A. The basic measures anticipated by the declaration of Bologna
According to this Declaration, Ministers of Education who signed it, so as to assure a “better compatibility and full comparableness” of Higher Education systems, undertake to accomplish the following six goals until 2010:
1. “Adopting of a system which will depend on two study cycles an undergraduate (at least 3 years) and a graduate. Title of first cycle studies will be regarded as a capable professional qualification from the European business market (meaning the acquisition of limited professional qualifications and, nothing doing, the ability for a completed scientific work), while the second cycle must lead to a master or/and a doctorate”.
2.“Institution of a tutorial credit system, proportional to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) that is set today, for the promotion of students”. It is a system that values meaningfulness of every lesson from the study schedule, according to the hours and its significance to the specific study subject. There is a gradation of hour-long credits of a lesson, depending on whether the lesson is basic, of a similar item, laboratorial, selectively compulsory or a lesson of general skills, just like a foreign languages class, information technology class etc. The new element, entered by the Declaration, is that tutorial credits can be gathered from now on “except from Higher Education’s framework, in educational systems, including the systems of life-long learning as well, provided their being regarded from the concerning reception universities”. It is now opening the way to regard studies that have been devised even in private Centers of Free Studies, Institutions of Vocational Learning (IEK, KEK) etc.
3.“Adopting a system of easily recognisable and comparable study titles, with assistance from the capitulary Diploma Supplement, aiming at the promotion of the employability of European citizens and at the international competitiveness of the European System of Higher Education”. Diploma Supplement is a kind of certificate that is going to accompany the study title, including particular information on the Study schedule that graduates followed, so as to facilitate the «market» in evaluating their “qualifications”. The need of adopting the Diploma Supplement claims the variation of studies and their level.
4.“Promotion of the movement, by getting over the obstacles that complicate the free moving of students, tutors, searchers and university committee”.
5.“Promotion of European collaboration to secure quality (meaning a general evaluating system), aiming at the development of comparable criteria and methodologies”.
6.“Promotion of necessary European gauge in Higher Education, primarily, in relation to study schedules, cooperation among constitutions, movements, completed study schedules and schedules of instruction-training and research”, not meaning the creation of united study schedules but their planning, based on complementarities and apportionment that the big capital is going to impose in various university constitutions and departments.
1. “Adopting of a system which will depend on two study cycles an undergraduate (at least 3 years) and a graduate. Title of first cycle studies will be regarded as a capable professional qualification from the European business market (meaning the acquisition of limited professional qualifications and, nothing doing, the ability for a completed scientific work), while the second cycle must lead to a master or/and a doctorate”.
2.“Institution of a tutorial credit system, proportional to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) that is set today, for the promotion of students”. It is a system that values meaningfulness of every lesson from the study schedule, according to the hours and its significance to the specific study subject. There is a gradation of hour-long credits of a lesson, depending on whether the lesson is basic, of a similar item, laboratorial, selectively compulsory or a lesson of general skills, just like a foreign languages class, information technology class etc. The new element, entered by the Declaration, is that tutorial credits can be gathered from now on “except from Higher Education’s framework, in educational systems, including the systems of life-long learning as well, provided their being regarded from the concerning reception universities”. It is now opening the way to regard studies that have been devised even in private Centers of Free Studies, Institutions of Vocational Learning (IEK, KEK) etc.
3.“Adopting a system of easily recognisable and comparable study titles, with assistance from the capitulary Diploma Supplement, aiming at the promotion of the employability of European citizens and at the international competitiveness of the European System of Higher Education”. Diploma Supplement is a kind of certificate that is going to accompany the study title, including particular information on the Study schedule that graduates followed, so as to facilitate the «market» in evaluating their “qualifications”. The need of adopting the Diploma Supplement claims the variation of studies and their level.
4.“Promotion of the movement, by getting over the obstacles that complicate the free moving of students, tutors, searchers and university committee”.
5.“Promotion of European collaboration to secure quality (meaning a general evaluating system), aiming at the development of comparable criteria and methodologies”.
6.“Promotion of necessary European gauge in Higher Education, primarily, in relation to study schedules, cooperation among constitutions, movements, completed study schedules and schedules of instruction-training and research”, not meaning the creation of united study schedules but their planning, based on complementarities and apportionment that the big capital is going to impose in various university constitutions and departments.