photos / videos 2012
[17.12.2012] Speech of Giorgos Marinos, member of the PB of the CC of the KKE, at the meeting of the CP of the Peoples of Spain on the EU
[25.11.2012] The KKE honoured its 94 year anniversary

[08.11.2012] Second day of the 48hr strike:Thousands of people took part in PAME’s rallies yesterday
[07.11.2012] First day of the 48hr strike: A large rally of determined workers
...or watch the video uploaded by PAME
PAME Strike 18/10/12 Response to the Barbaric Measures
...or watch the video uploaded by PAME
[09.10.2012] Class response to Merkel-EU-government
[04.10.2012] Dynamic mass demonstrations of the KKE all over the country
Strike on 26th September: Major participation in the strike-significant response to the anti-labour barbaric measures
[13 to 15.09.2012] On the Major Success of the 38th Festival KNE-Odigiti
[24.07.2012] Solidarity with the strike of the steelworkers: mass demonstrations of PAME across
[20.07.2012] The intimidation will not succeed- Solidarity with the heroic strike of the steelworker
[18.06.2012] Elections June, 2012
[14.05.2012] A major rally of the KKE in Athens
...or watch video
[02.05.2012] A Vast Crowd of People Attended the Election Rally of the KKE in Athens
...or click here to view a video
[01.05.2012] Workers May Day in Greece
[06.04.2012] The election activity of the KKE is in full swing
[05.04.2012] The strike struggle does not stop!
[21.03.2012] A weak bourgeois government means a strong people
Οn the lower right hand side of the image there is the button CC. Click on it to choose the subtitles in your language.
A video of the important strike struggle of the steel-workers
Οn the lower right hand side of the image there is the button CC. Click on it to choose the subtitles in your language.
[15.02.2012] Video: “regarding a lack of national sovereignty and inequality”
or see the PAME's video
[13.02.2012] The People’s anger will shatter the PASOK-ND coalition government
[11.02.2012] The KKE hung a banner from the rock of the Acropolis with the slogan:Down with the dictatorship of the monopolies-EU
[10.02.2012] 1st Day of the 48hr Strike: Strike struggle with the occupation of the Ministry of Labour
[09.02.2012] The Workers of “Greek Steelworks” celebrated 100 days on strike and continue in a determined manner
[07.02.2012] Loud strike message for the escalation of the working class struggle against the new round of barbaric measures
[03.02.2012] NO to all the drugs - Mass and militant youth demonstration of KNE in Athens, yesterday, against the legalization of drugs
[25.01.2012] Down with the government, troika out! Protest of PAME in Athens at the hotel where the troika is staying
[18.01.2012] Attica-wide general strike-Decisive escalation of the struggle