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Communist Party of Poland

Message of greetings to the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of Greece

On behalf of the Communist Party of Poland I would like to express warmest greetings to the delegates of the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of Greece. Thank you for an invitation. Participation in your congress is a great honour for us.

During four years from your last congress a lot has changed in global economy. Capitalism is facing deep crisis, spreading and reaching more and more regions of the world. It will surely be more serious than previous local ones. In such time capitalists seek ways to cut the costs and to shift the burden of the crisis onto the workers. Governments are trying to push forward their reforms that are nothing else than attack on social rights and protecting capitalists incomes. For the working class it means unemployment, worse work conditions and poverty, unless it is able to organise and defend its rights.

In especially hard condition are young people - forced to take precarious jobs and earn salaries that are too low to earn for a living. In many countries the youth are the group that is most endagered with unemployment. Recent years witnesed also liberalisation of the educational system. We heard about governmental reforms of the higher education conducted in Greece. With satisfaction we noted CPG's participation in students and teachers protests aimed to oppose reforms. You have shown how important is to teach young people how to organise and that they should cooperate with other members of the working class. It is the lesson Polish students still have to learn.

Greece and Poland are both suffering from the same economic policy. Your experience in recent struggles, fighting oppression of the capitalist state and police brutality is an inspiration also for the Polish movement. We are aware of the important role played by the CPG in organising resistance against capitalist reforms. Today working class needs communist movement that is able to fight and propose alternative economic system even more.

Nowadays we are also facing reforms of the European Union aimed to make it more neoliberal. In Poland government says that decreasing social standards and accepting European Treaty is the only posible way to develop our country. As in other European states propaganda is trying to persuade people that the main aim of the EU should be to guarantee privilages of the rich because it will help the economy. Our common aim should be to strongly oppose this capitalist lies and also stop the European Treaty that is beeing imposed. We should fight against the system in which the most important decisions are made by the capitalist elite without any participation of the societies. We should also emphasize that capitalism is undemocratic and actions of the European political elites are a proof of this.

Your congress takes place in a time when governments conduct imperialist and aggressive wars. With satisfaction we note that CPG is a part of the international movement opposing imperialism and militarism. We were following news about anti-imperialist resistance in Greece and actions of the movement such as blocking shipment of the US arms to Israel attacking Gaza.

It's a shame that in the XXIst century racist idea of the „clash of cultures” is still in use. Today we should stress that working people both in European countries and rest of the world have common class interest to destroy capitalism. A way to destroy it is to fight nationalism, militarism and racism that are used to create hostilities and protect privilages of the capitalists. Now it is no mystery that wars started by the US under the slogan of „promoting democracy” were conducted only to help multinational companies and guarantee global hegemony of the US. Today this hegemony is beginning to collapse. One of the reasons of this is a huge international anti-war movement that communist parties are being part of.

Dear comrades,

We believe that conclusions of your Congress will help us to tighten our cooperation and conduct common struggle against capitalism, struggle for socialism and communism.

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