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Withdrawal of the ministers of the “left-wing garnish”

Comment of the International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE on current issues

The issue of the state radio and television, its closure and reformation which was decided by the Prime Minister A. Samaras, did not leave the three-party government without “injuries”. So, the ministers of one of the three parties, the “Democratic Left” (DIMAR) left the governmental “train”. This party has not withdrawn its vote of confidence from the government .

These developments cannot be seen as something separate from the depth of the capitalist crisis in Greece and the Eurozone, as well as from the efforts of the bourgeois class to manage it in the most effective way to its own benefit, leading the people to bankruptcy. Despite the declarations to the contrary, the crisis remains deep in Greece and its management imposes new measures at the expense of the people. The discussions taking place in this period with the Troika are characteristic, from which there arises a funding gap of many billions of euros for the next four years, which they will attempt to fill with new measures, and possibly even with new loans and memoranda.

New reactionary measures are also in the pipeline for t labour relations and social-security, confirming what the KKE denounced that the tragic situation which has been created in the social-security funds by the management in favour of capital is placing even today’s wretched pensions in danger. The deficit of 2.5 billion euros which has been recorded this year by EOPPY (the main social-security fund) is a time-bomb for the millions of people who rely on it. “The light at the end of the tunnel” which the coalition government claims it can see has nothing to do with the people and their real interests, but the local and foreign plutocracy, which are beginning to enjoy the fruits of the anti-people reversals and are already organizing the next ones, in order to safeguard the recovery of the economy in their favour.

But why did the bourgeois system choose in the end to remove the “left-wing garnish” from the governmental “salad” of the conservative ND and the “social-democratic” PASOK? It is becoming clearer that it is related to the role each party of bourgeois management is undertaking, taking into account the political cost, and an issue related to the role they want to play in the realignment of the bourgeois political system, something that is underway.

It is important for the people to see in these conditions that the various disagreements of the parties, which are managing the capitalist crisis, are not due to their disagreement with the anti-people political line and the pro-monopoly measures that the capitalist development path is imposing. Their disagreements are limited to the way in which this policy is promoted, so that the social reactions are reduced and so that whatever signs of radicalization appear in the people’s consciousness can be manipulated.

And this of course is not only related to the DIMAR party, which moved into “opposition”, but also the political vehicle of “de-caffeinated” radicalism, of the so-called “European” and “governmental left” SYRIZA, which recently has given its “credentials” to the imperialist organizations and systematically fosters illusions, both about the role of the IMF and the USA in terms of the management of the crisis, and about the potential for a pro-people way out in the framework of the capitalist “one way street”.

The working class must reject old and new “saviours”. It must make its mark on the developments with its own organization and the people’s alliance and together with the other urban and rural popular strata. The recent elevation of the communists and their allies in the All-workers’ Militant Front (PAME) to the top position (with 27.8%) at the congress of the Athens Labour Centre (which unites all the first-level trade unions of the private sector in the Greek capital), is an encouraging fact in this direction.


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