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RIZOSPASTIS: The slander of “national betrayal” does not “stick” to the Bolsheviks!

On the 29th of June 2012 the newspaper Rizospastis, Organ of the CC of the KKE, reported and commented on the following statements of Vladimir Putin regarding the “national betrayal of the Bolshevik government”:

“The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, answering questions in the Council of the Russian Federation (The Upper House of Parliament) last Wednesday (27/6) carried out an unprecedented anti-communist attack and in reference to the 1st World War stated that it cannot be characterized as imperialist” and that Russia was defeated by the “national betrayal of the Bolsheviks” who signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty separately with the Germans. As he said “In essence our country was defeated by the losing side. It was an act of national betrayal on the part of the new Bolshevik government, which was afraid of admitting it due to party interests.” He stated that the time has come for the Russian state to “fulfil its duty to those killed fighting for Russia in the 1st World War.” For this reason a committee will be created which will table proposals “for the perpetuation of the memory of the soldiers in the 1st World War”.

The Russian President in addressing the dirty slanders against the Bolsheviks regarding “national betrayal” forgets that Russia was entangled in this war together with a group of capitalist states against another, not for the interests of the workers and the numerous farmers, but in the service of the ruling classes of the Tsar’s Empire!

He even forgets that the Tsarist empire, through its participation in this imperialist war, caused the Russian people a massive loss of life- Russia had the largest number of victims in this war, over 2 million people!

He also forgets that a short while before the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, the Russian Army of the ancien regime was in a state of constant retreat due to the defeats it had suffered, while the Revolution did not have enough time to create the appropriate military machine which could undertake the war and there was the danger that the revolution would be strangled at birth by the German bourgeois army. Maybe this is what Vladimir Putin as a representative of the Russian bourgeois class and an apologist for Tsarism would have liked?

He forgets that the Soviet delegation, which signed the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty refused to discuss its conditions. It stated that the peace which was signed was not based on the free agreement of the peoples, but was dictated to Soviet Russia by the well-armed German imperialism, which exploited the temporary weakness of the young Soviet Republic, and for this reason it was pointless to discuss the treaty.

He forgets that a few years later after the Soviet Power had repelled the foreign military intervention of 14 capitalist states against it, it started the counter-offensive and gradually up until the beginning of the 2nd World War liberated an important part of the territories which it had been forced to cede on 3rd of March 1918.


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