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Meeting with the Iranian Ambassador

No to the imperialist war!

A delegation of the KKE comprised of G. Marinos, member of the PB of the CC and I. Nasir, member of the International Relations Section of the CC, visited on Friday 17/2 the Iranian Embassy in Athens and had a meeting with the Iranian Ambassador, Mohamed Reza Rabiee.

During the meeting the developments in the wider region were discussed.

The delegation of the KKE presented the positions and latest initiatives of the party in Greece and the European Parliament against the embargo on Iranian oil, which is being pushed forward by the USA and EU. In addition the KKE once again expressed, on the occasion of this visit, its condemnation of the threats which are being unleashed by the imperialists against the Iranian people.

The Greek government, developing a close military collaboration with Israel and actively participating in the plans of the USA and the imperialist unions of NATO and the EU against Iran and Syria, has enormous and criminal responsibilities in relation to the Greek people and other peoples of our region.

The KKE will consistently continue its activity against the involvement of the country in the imperialist plans and unions, against the imperialist interventions against other peoples, so that the Greek people do not become either the persecutor or the victim of the imperialist war.

During the visit the delegation of the KKE requested that the Ambassador convey to the Iranian government the position of the KKE for the legalization of the activity of the Tudeh Party.



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