Statement of the Press Office: Regarding the bargaining which is underway for a coalition government PASOK-ND and the willing

Athens 6/11/2011
The safeguarding
of the 6th instalment is the pretext to justify the formation
of an open coalition government of PASOK-ND and other parties of the
system. This is the demand of the Greek plutocracy and the EU. Their
goal is not to save the people but to subjugate them and to lead them
to the even greater massacre of the loan agreement and the memoranda
of bankruptcy. In any case the people can see with their own eyes the
naked and blatant interventions of the leaders of the EU and other mechanisms
of capital, in harmony with the parties of the “EU one-way-street”,
something which the KKE for a long time has exposed.
In opposition to this extremely hostile alliance of the bourgeois parties the people must pose right now their own popular alliance and counterattack to erect obstacles and ruin their reactionary plans. This open governmental alliance shows their difficulties and fear in relation to the people, their emancipation and organization.
The people must trust the KKE and see clearly where their interests and prospects lie, so that they can reject the blackmail and threats of the Greek bourgeois class and its parties which are attempting to transform their own dead-ends into intimidating dilemmas for the people.
The capitalist crisis in Greece and the Eurozone is deepening, the competition inside and outside the EU is sharpening, and for this reason their parties and mechanisms are escalating their war against the peoples. The people should not be afraid of the EU, the monopolies, on the contrary it must utilise their crisis, their contradictions to fight them. The KKE appeals to the poor popular strata which up to now have voted for ND and PASOK to ally with it. We must not waste any time.
No waiting, no toleration. People’s vigilance.
Right now the
salaried workers, the self-employed, the poor farmers, the youth must
raise their heads up decisively in the work places and sectors, in the
popular neighbourhoods, proclaiming their determination to put an end
to the sacrifices for the profits of capital, the protection of the
EU and the Euro.