On the death of the Cuban Ambassador to Greece

Statement of the CC on the death of Luis Prado Garcia
Message of
Aleka Papariga to Raul Castro
The Central
Committee of the KKE expresses its sadness concerning the death
of Luis Prado Garcia, Cuban ambassador to Greece, and noted in its statement:
“The CC of the
KKE expresses its deep sadness concerning the death on 19 November 2011
of comrade Luis Prado Garcia, ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, to
Greece, after a serious stroke which he suffered on Monday 14th
November. Luis Prado Garcia was born in 1955, married to M. Gonzalez
Fernandez, father of two children, he joined the CP of Cuba at a young
age. He studied economics at graduate and post-graduate level in Cuba
as well as at the Diplomatic Academy in Moscow.
He worked as a researcher at the Institute of Internal Demand in Cuba. In 2008-2010 he participated in the Cuban National Commission for UNESCO. He served as first secretary and deputy chief of mission of the Cuban Embassy to Greece (1997-2001) and Austria (2004-2007) as well as the head of various sections of the Cuban Foreign Ministry and in other responsible positions. He took part as a member of the Cuban delegation in the UN General Assemblies, summits of the Non-aligned movement and other international organizations and meetings.
He presented his credentials in our country on the 15th February 2011 and in the short period which he served in Greece he developed intense and multifaceted activity, defending consistently the Cuban Revolution and promoting the bilateral relations of our countries. He maintained close and comradely relations with the KKE and KNE. In close cooperation with the Greek-Cuban Friendship Association, other militant organizations of the people’s movement he had an important contribution to the promotion of the friendship and solidarity between the two peoples, as well as to the development of the Greek solidarity movement with Socialist Cuba.
As the final gesture of solidarity on the part deceased, his family took the noble decision to proceed with the donation of his organs.
The CC of the
KKE expresses its sincere condolences to the Cuban government, the CC
of the CP of Cuba, his family and friends, the diplomatic mission of
Cuba in Greece.”
Message of
Aleka Papariga to Raul Castro
Message to Raul Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the CC of the CP of Cuba, President of the State Council of Cuba, was sent by the GS of the CC of the KKE, Aleka Papariga, on the death of Luis Prado Garcia.
The message of
the GS of the CC of the KKE is the following:
Dear comrade,
I express the deep condolences and the solidarity of the Greek communists concerning the sudden and premature loss of cde Luis Prado Garcia, cadre of the CPC and the Cuban ambassador to Greece.
The socialist state and the CP of Cuba have lost a worthy representative, a combative defender of the Cuban Revolution, the interests of the Cuban people and the ideals of socialism.
Our thoughts are with his family, which has lost a wonderful person.
The Greek communists
and the popular movement of our country will remember him as a well-loved
comrade and valuable co-militant. His memory will accompany us in the
daily struggles for the abolition of exploitation and the solidarity
with Socialist Cuba.
With comradely greetings
Aleka Papariga
GS of the CC of the KKE