People’s struggle so that the reactionary Higher Education law will not be implemented

With the support of the Social-democratic
PASOK, the conservative ND and the nationalist-racist LAOS, the draft
law was passed by the parliament, which will lead to the further commercialisation
and the abolition of free Higher Education. University research will
not have a general and universal value and its implementation will be
dictated by the ambitions of the capitalists to make faster profits.
Meanwhile, speaking in parliament,
the Prime Minister of Greece and President of the Socialist International
G. Papandreou, in an attempt to defend the new law slid once again into
anti-communism and anti-Sovietism by characterising the current status
quo in the Greek universities as “Soviet”, and that it must be abolished.
In response, Aleka Papariga, GS
of the CC of the KKE noted that the Prime Minister distorted reality
and made the following points about the Soviet educational system:
“Firstly, the student before
he or she finished, in the final year before they acquired their degree,
knew where they would go to work.
You did not get your degree and
then have to look through the adverts and opportunities in the newspapers
to find work. Of course, this is not to the Prime Minister’s liking.
Secondly the specialisation which
was provided by the socialist university was based on an all-round level
of knowledge- philosophical, mathematical, linguistic, literary- which
not only gave a educational level to the scientists, regardless of the
specialisation of his degree, but also provided him with serious
and contemporary capabilities, so that when this learning loses its
value- because this can indeed occur and today very rapidly- he can
be re-educated, through of course a public, social, socialist education
system, so that he does not remain behind the developments and so that
he does not have knowledge which has become obsolete”. A. Papariga
The GS of the CC of the KKE, after
expressing the opposition of the party to the reactionary new draft
law emphasized that the communists will be at the forefront so that
the organised mass movement-the labour, people’s and student movement-
which seeks to obstruct the measures, to fight so that law is not implemented
in their entirety or at least in relation to its basic axes.
The Students’ Struggle Front
(MAS) together with the All-workers Militant Front (PAME) on the 24/8
carried out rallies and protest demonstrations in Athens and other major
Greek cities.