The people ought to trust KKE

The Press office
of the CC of the KKE in its statement concerning the government’s
positions regarding the “selective default” stressed:
“What the KKE
had denounced from the outset of the crisis has been confirmed, that
the government and the troika are leading the people to bankruptcy using
the debt as an opportunity, with the aim of buttressing the competitiveness
of the monopolies. The truth is that the capitalist crisis is deep,
that the competition of the monopolies throughout the EU has sharpened
concerning the form of the bankruptcy- who will lose the most and who
will be strengthened in the course of the competition will be judged
by what form the bankruptcy takes. ND in essence agrees with the selective
default, whatever it may say, as well as the other pro-EU parties.
The people should
in no instance fall into the trap of the choosing the method of selective
default. Even if it chooses the most advantageous method for the
capitalist state, the gang of domestic business groups will be benefited
through new state backing, while the anti-people offensive will escalate.
The people are obliged to trust the KKE. They must not be surprised.
They must be ready, organized and determined so that the government
and the parties of the “EU one way street” will know that they will
pay a high price for any attempt at a suspension of payments of the
workers, pensioners, self-employed and farmers. The people’s struggle
must be strengthened and the counterattack for the protection of the
people, for the victory which will come only through popular power and
withdrawal from the EU.”
They will always find the KKE
in opposition to them
Comment of the Press Office
of the CC
In a comment on
the intervention of E. Venizelos, who demanded “discipline” from
the opposition concerning the government’s anti-people plans, the
Press Office of the CC of the KKE noted: “His order-decree to the
opposition to support the plan of the government with military discipline-the
minister has every right to address this to the parties of the system
and the EU-one way street, which talk with the government and agree
with its basic choices. As regards the KKE, everyone must understand,
both the government and all the others who elaborate the bankruptcy
and the suspension of payments at the expense of the people, that they
will find the KKE in opposition to them, as always, together with the
people, through disobedience and counterattack.”