Protest at the Lithuanian Embassy

Press Statement
A delegation of the KKE and KNE headed by Yiannis Gkiokas, members of the CS of KNE and MP of the KKE, visited the embassy of Lithuania in Athens on the 7th of June and delivered a letter of protest concerning the continuing legal persecution of Algirdas Peleckis, President of the Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania, on the basis of the anti-communist legislation, and because he publicly called into question the official version of the bloody events which took place in January 1991 in the Lithuanian capital.
The letter is addressed to the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Dalia Grysbauskaite, to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, Andrius Kunbilius and to the President of the Parliament, Irena Degutiene. It is noted in the letter that the persecution of A. Paleckis is a political persecution, which demonstrates that in Lithuania today basic political and democratic rights are being violated and that there is a conscious attempt by the country’s authorities to restrict the activity of those who struggle for the rights of the workers, against the exploitative capitalist system, for socialism-communism.
The KKE condemns this tactic and calls on the political leadership of Lithuania to stop here and now the political persecution of Algirdas Paleckis.