On Monday 23/5 the GS of the CC of the KKE, Aleka Papariga, visited the Skaramangas shipyard.

The labour movement must raise
its head!
On Saturday 21/5 the Prime Minister
invited the leaders of the political parties to a meeting, with the
aim of ensuring support for the so-called medium-term programme and
in order to create a general atmosphere of consent concerning the anti-people
measures. The GS of the CC of the KKE did not accept the invitation
because the KKE rejects both the so-called medium term programme which
the government and its allies have formed as well as its general political
line. The KKE is not going to contribute in any way to the political
line that massacres working class and popular rights.
On Monday 23/5 the GS of the CC
of the KKE, Aleka Papariga, visited the Skaramangas shipyard, where
she met with the administrative committee of the union and spoke to
a rally of the workers. The recent termination of the contract for the
construction of T-214 submarines by the German company HDW is a warning
that production in the shipyards will be further reduced. It prepares
the ground for cuts in personnel. So, the 1200 and more workers in the
shipyards are hostages to the various plans and are the only losers
in the massive dealings which go hand in hand with the surrender of
strategic sectors of the economy to the transnationals. Immediately
after the meeting with the union the GS of the CC of the KKE spoke to
the workers and stressed amongst other things that:
“ Greece has an advantage in
the shipbuilding and ship-repair sector. It has an advantage. This significant
advantage is not only its experience, but the fact that it is one of
the countries which is a marine power-2nd or 3rd
in the world-and consequently there is the basis for much work, more
work than it had in the past, and of course more work than it has today.
I should tell you that as a party we are interested not only in your
situation now, that you not lose your jobs – which of course is of
concern to us- but particularly that the shipyards not close. Exactly
because we are fighting for a Greece of working class and people’s
power. And this Greece, in order to provide prosperity to its
people, must utilise its entire productive base which exists particularly
in the industry we are discussing.
The labour movement must raise its head, and it will raise its head when every workplace does. It must be made clear: You must draw a line in the sand, either you are in favour of this political line which has been followed for years, this development path or you are against it. You must have a target: The overthrow, I’ll say it very clearly, of the power of the monopolies.”