PAME Mobilization: “Rise up; Push aside the bureaucrats of the ETUC”!

Through a dynamic mobilization
outside the Athens Concert Hall, where the 12th congress of the European
Confederation of Trade Unions was being held, the class-oriented unions
which are rallied by PAME denounced the presence of the European labour
aristocracy in our country. With continual statements in English and
Greek, the class-oriented forces informed passers-by concerning the
role of European government and employer-led trade unionism in the “burying”
of labour rights, in the “decapitation” of the labour movement.
With the banner “ETUC bureaucrats
out. They support the political line of the plutocracy” and “ETUC
bureaucrats go home” the demonstrators declared to the workers that
they cannot expect anything good from this particular congress and called
on them to rally to PAME and the World Federation of Trade Unions. They
proclaimed that the bureaucrats of the ETUC are not welcome here.
As the class-oriented unions stressed, the ETUC is the tool of the plutocrats
and the governments, it supported the Maastricht and Lisbon treaties,
contributed to the “medieval” labour situation, and consciously
supports the anti-people political line of the EU, presenting it as
the only way. At the same time, it never refers to the contemporary
needs of the workers and their satisfaction.
The demonstrators shouted slogans
such as “bureaucrats, labour aristocrats, you support the capitalists.”
And “workers of Europe rise up; push the ETUC bureaucrats aside.”
Several motorists hooted and verbally expressed their approval.
It should be noted that the class-oriented
forces militantly “welcomed” the arrival of the bureaucratic ETUC
and its congress with posters (see photos) which were hung up all over
This initiative which revealed
to the working class the role of the ETUC provoked an operation to silence
it, in which the municipality of Athens participated as well. The municipality
of Athens, as was denounced on Saturday by the Executive Secretariat
of PAME, “ordered its workers to take down the propaganda material
which had been hung up (posters etc).”
PAME stressed that “PAME declares
to all the supporters of the anti-people policy line, that their attempt
to gag the class-oriented labour movement and trade unions will not
succeed. The working class of Greece has woken up to the bureaucrats
of the ETUC and their fellow-travellers in our country, GSEE and ADEDY.”
But the congress of the ETUC itself
is indicative of the oaths of loyalty which the representatives of the
labour aristocracy of the ETUC give to the EU and capital.
Oaths of loyalty to the one way
road of the capitalist integration of the EU were given by the ETUC
at its congress, eulogising the “social dialogue” and class collaboration
and manufacturing once more the myth of a joint way out of the crisis
with the monopolies.
The Vice-president of the commission
itself, V, Reding promoted the one way road of the EU at the congress.
“Europe is the solution.” she said and called on the delegates “to
follow” and show decisiveness so that the “EU gets out of the crisis
even stronger.” That is to say that the European monopolies to get
out of the crisis stronger.
The president of the ETUC, W.
Wedin, referred to the “achievements of the social dialogue”. He
supported the principle of the Lisbon Treaty for the “free movement
of labour power” and hypocritically took a position “against discrimination”,
as if the “free” movement of workers in conditions of the dominance
of the monopolies and uneven capitalist development could take placein
a way that protects workers. At the same time he raised his banner against
the “neo-liberalism which is attacking Europe”
The president of Greece’s confederation
of trade unions, GSEE, G. Panagopoulos spoke along the same lines. He
spoke of “neo-liberal paranoia” in an attempt to whitewash the political
line of social-democracy, to conceal the fact that more and more workers
in the EU understand every day, that liberal and social-democratic parties
jointly support the same anti-worker policies and despite their various
differences over issues of management both whether in government or
opposition serve the interests of capital.
The president of GSEE as regards
our country claimed that the venture of the memorandum had “failed”
and that the “medicine is worse than the disease”…In this way
the majority in GSEE desire to hide the simple truth, that these specific
measures were not taken to “save” the workers, but to save the capitalists.
And in this it was extremely successful. What GSEE, and many others,
present as a “mistake”, concealing its deeper class character, is
a conscious choice of the EU and the national governments, so that the
people pay for the crisis and that the monopolies are further strengthened.
In any case, the other “mixture” of economic policies which the
ETUC and its local partners present as an “alternative solution”,
leads to the same result by another road. How different from this is
the proposal of ADEDY “for a new political direction in Europe”
and presents a “European Bank of State Loans” as being in this direction,
its proposal for Eurobonds and “the promotion of a policy of adjusting
salaries to socially acceptable levels”, there are also the similar
proposals of the opportunists in Greece concerning a “militant renegotiation
of the debt”… They demand a management of the system, with no relation
a class analysis and to class struggle; this is their recipe in the
conditions of crisis.
For this reason, the president
of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises G. Daskalopoulos has no problem
in expressing the certainty that the proposals of the congress of the
ETUC “will fertilise the consciousness of the Greek trade union movement”
and to grandstand concerning the “common stance of the social partners
in Greece”, which “had results which constitute a dam against the
crisis”. In reality, the president of the HFE is calling a spade a
spade. These results can be seen in the reduction of real earnings by
15% over 2010-11 and in the hundreds of thousands of dismissals. They
constituted the best possible “dam” in the interests of the large
In addition it should be noted
that in his statement the MEP of the KKE denounced the role and contribution
of the ETUC for the anti-worker policies and the strategy of capital
to be implemented.
It is time to reveal to the working
class the role of the bureaucrats as widely as possible, of the ETUC
and all the compromised leaderships in the labour movement. This revelation
is a precondition for the regroupment of the labour movement and for
its class orientation. The existence and strengthening of the
WFTU, which was confirmed by its recent congress in Athens in April,
is the only choice today which unwaveringly serves the interests of
the working class against the strategy of capital.