The KKE condemns the handing over of Joaquin Perez Becerra and demands his immediate release

The Communist
party of Greece (KKE) condemns the arrest by the Venezuelan authorities
and the summary extradition to Colombia of Joaquin Perez Becerra-militant,
journalist, and director of the internet information network ANNCOL.
In addition, the KKE has brought the issue to the European Parliament, through the question of its MEP Babis Angourakis to the council of Europe.
The following issues are noted in the question:
“On the 23rd of April Joaquin Perez Becerra, a Swedish citizen, was extradited by the Venezuelan authorities to Colombia, who is a militant, journalist, author and director of the internet information network ANNCOL (New Colombia).
Becerra, before he escaped in 1994 from Colombia to Sweden as a political refuge, had served as municipal councillor in the city Corinto for the “Patriotic Union” (Union Patriotica-UP), which is a legal political formation that participated in local, parliamentary and presidential elections in Colombia.
Governments of EU member-states for years had direct talks with the UP within the framework of the attempts of the people’s movement for peace-making in Colombia. The reactionary regime of Colombia and the paramilitary death squads have murdered two presidential candidates of the UP, 13 MPs, 8 senators, 11 mayors, 70 municipal councillors and thousands of trade unionists, farmers and students.
The murders have continued up to the present day. The life of Becerra is under threat and his wife has been killed in an attempt to assassinate him.
The extradition
of Becerra and the serious threats to his life because of his activity
on the side of people’s movements in Colombia for peace and democratic
freedoms has provoked intense protests globally. The Foreign Ministry
of Sweden however has restricted itself to ordering an investigation
concerning the extradition as it violates International Agreements.
We ask the Council: Does it condemn the illegal arrest and extradition of a European citizen to Colombia? What measures will the Swedish authorities take to safeguard Becerra’s physical wellbeing and that his arbitrary detention cease and that the Colombian security forces release him?”