Intervention concerning the intensification of anti-communism

The recent International Meeting
of Communist and Workers Parties, which was held last December in South
Africa, highlighted the struggle against anti-communism as one of the
central pillars of the joint activity of the Communist and Workers’
Within this framework, the KKE
over the recent period has undertaken a series of initiatives, such
as the protests which were carried out by Party officials at the embassies
of the 6 EU states, which had proposed the generalization of anticommunist
measures throughout the entire EU.
In this direction on the 2nd
of February a delegation of the Party consisting of Elissaios Vagenas,
member of the CC and responsible for the International Relations Department
of the CC and Nikos Seretakis, member of the International Relations
Department of the CC of the KKE, visited the embassy of the Russian
Federation in Athens and met with Anton Zanin, First Secretary
of the Russian embassy. The delegation of the KKE made this visit in
order to demand that the Russian authorities stop impeding the legal
activity of the Communist and Workers’ party of Russia and its right
to participate in elections. The delegation of the KKE denounced the
delay in the recognition of the “United Front of the workers of Russia”,
which the CWPR has formed with other forces, with the aim of obstructing
the participation of the “Front” in the upcoming Parliamentary elections.
The delegation of the KKE delivered to A. Zanin related letters addressed
to the President of the Russian Federation and the Presidents of Constitutional
and Supreme courts of Russia, which were signed by the MEPS of the KKE
and members of the CC of the KKE, Giorgios Toussas and Babis
In addition, the delegation of
the KKE expressed the concerns of the Party about the attempts to destroy
the Mausoleum of Lenin, which parliamentary deputies of the governing
party “United Russia” have begun, and which is part of the more
general anticommunist campaign which is unfolding in Europe.