12 IMCWP: Speech of G. Marinos, member of the PB of the CC

We would like
to thank the South African CP for hosting the international meeting
and for the hospitality they have provided us.
We send militant
greetings to the communist men and women of Africa, to the anti-imperialist
movements, to the people of the continent who have experienced capitalism
in all its barbarity. We salute the fact that the International Meeting
of the CWP is being held on the African continent for the first time.
We salute the
delegations of the workers’ and communist parties and we thank them
for the solidarity that they have expressed with the struggles of the
KKE, PAME and the working class of our country.
The developments
have raised the level of what is required of us and the workings of
the International Meeting of the CPs must be distinguished by the serious
responsibility which the communists have in relation to the working
class, the peoples, who face the fierce assault of capital and its political
representatives, an assault which under the conditions of the capitalist
crisis has become more intense and dangerous.
We are not
any run of the mill political force, we are Communist Parties, and we
have a specific mission-to organize the struggle of the working class,
the class struggle, with the aim of overthrowing the exploitative system
in every country and the construction of a new socialist-communist society.
For this reason
we are obliged to collectively elaborate our experience from the struggle
and to utilize it to take the strategy and tactics of the international
communist movement a step forward, so that it corresponds to the needs
of the class struggle.
The capitalist
crisis continues and deepens. Despite the assistance of the bourgeois
states and the imperialist organizations which have supported the monopoly
businesses with billions of dollars, the contradictions of the system
cannot be checked.
The recession
of 2009 continued into this year, and in many capitalist states will
continue into 2011. The assessments concerning an anaemic recovery and
the creation of the pre-conditions for a new crisis place massive responsibilities
on our shoulders.
unemployment has exceeded every precedent.
The number of
unemployed has surpassed 23 million in the EU member-states, without
including the millions of workers who are on part-time or temporary
The importance
for the communists to have a common viewpoint concerning the causes
of the crisis remains and indeed has been reinforced, precisely
because a fierce ideological-political battle is being waged over this
issue which is related to the direction and the future of the class
The bourgeois
forces which defend capitalism claim that the crisis was causes by “management”
policies, the lack of control over the financial system, the overspending
of the bourgeois state, the lack of transparency in the exercise of
economic policies.
The forces of
social democracy and opportunism operate within this “administrative”
logic and limit their criticism to neo-liberalism, seeking the solution
through the development of the system itself, the regulation of the
market. They foster illusions concerning capitalism “with a human
face” in order to deceive the workers.
identical or similar positions are influencing the ranks of the communist
movement and causing serious damage.
They shift the
causes from the exploitative relations of production, the laws and contradictions
of capitalism, to the bourgeois administrative policies and their various
analysis leads to the safe conclusion which stresses that the causes
of the crisis can be found in the heart of the system,
in the conditions of capitalist production, in its anarchy, its uneven
development, the sharpening of its basic contradiction, the contradiction
between the social character of production and labour on the one hand
and the individual-capitalist form of appropriation on the other ,because
the means of production are found in the hands of the capitalists.
The development
of the crisis proves that it is a crisis of the over-accumulation of
capital which had been concentrated in the recent period from the exploitation
of the labour force, under the conditions of capitalist economic growth.
This is the situation
which we are experiencing in Greece today.
The slowing down
of the economy which was apparent in 2008 developed in 2009 into economic
recession and the reduction of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2
%, which continued into 2010 with a further reduction of 4% and will
continue in 2011.
We are referring
to a reduction of industrial production (manufacturing, Energy, Transport,
Telecommunications) and in other sectors and branches of the economy,
such as tourism and retail, which in combination with the anti-people
policies of the social democratic and liberal governments provokes an
increase in unemployment and more generally the worsening of the living
conditions of the working class, of the small and medium farmers, of
the small tradesmen, craftsmen and traders.
The liberal government
of ND which was in power until October 2009 and afterwards the social
democratic government of PASOK, supported by the reactionary and racist
LAOS party, took harsh anti-people measures using as pretexts the deficit
and the public debt which is a large proportion of the GDP.
The social democratic
government signed an agreement, a memorandum, with the European Union,
the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, known
as the “Troika”, in order to ensure a loan of 110 billion Euros
for the needs of the capitalists.
The memorandum
legislates for amongst other things the reduction of wages and pensions,
the abolition of industry-level collective bargaining agreements, the
overturning of labour and social security rights, privatizations, the
reactionary changes in the Health sector, in Welfare and in Education.
This situation
triggered intense popular discontent and large mobilizations in which
the KKE and PAME, the class-oriented trade union movement, played the
leading role.
From December
2009 up to the present day there have been 13 general strikes, dozens
of occupations of ministries and other state buildings, a variety of
sectoral and other struggles with the participation of hundreds of thousands
of workers.
The message of
the KKE “Peoples of Europe, Rise up” which was issued from
the Acropolis monument was of special importance.
We can draw valuable
conclusions from the rich experience we have gained in this period.
the anti-people measures are not the product of this period. They are
measures that had been decided on in the European Union and other international
imperialist organizations, with the participation of the Greek and other
bourgeois governments in previous years, within the framework of the
capitalist restructurings in order to reduce the cost of the labour
force, to strengthen competitiveness and to increase the profitability
of the large corporations. The view that the EU, an inter-state imperialist
union, could allegedly prevent the outbreak of the capitalist crisis
has been shown to be extremely dangerous. It has also been proved that
this is not related only to the specific
situation in Greece. The developments in Ireland and Portugal reveal
that the outbreak of the crisis has a general character.
These measures
which have now been imposed during the crisis are not temporary but
permanent in character and will be reinforced further according to the
needs of capital if the resistance does not become more powerful.
The following
conclusion is beyond any doubt:
As long as
state power and the means of production are found in the hands of the
capitalists, development will strengthen their position and increase
the profits of capital.
Either with restrictive
or with expansionist public finance policies, with the extension of
the renegotiation of the debt, the contradictions will sharpen, the
peoples will be called on to cover the costs of the crisis.
the social democratic government of PASOK has taken on the basic responsibility
for the measures, but the liberal ND party and the other bourgeois parties
essentially agree with them.
The opportunist
forces (SYN/SYRIZA) sow confusion, make excuses for the European Union
(EU), that interstate imperialist union, and focus their criticism on
the role of the International Monetary fund. It is also important
to point out that in these conditions the peoples who are struggling
with the communists in the vanguard must be clear that the anti-worker
measures of the EU and IMF are not being imposed on the bourgeois governments
against their will and their interests. On the contrary, these
measures have the full support of the domestic plutocracy because
they ensure the continuance of their profitability
both in the crisis and also in the period of recovery. In addition their
implementation does not constitute a new form of occupation as some
forces claim, in essence denying the guilt
of the bourgeois classes of their countries and their governments.
Employer-led and
government-led trade unionism has criminal responsibilities. It controls
the administrations of the two general confederations (in the public
and private sector) and has the majority in a large number of trade
unions, utilizing both state mechanisms and the intervention of the
These forces have
supported the European one-way street for years, the strategy of capital,
and they implement the line of class collaboration.
the KKE and the class-oriented movement are the consistent forces which
stand at the people’s side and organize the struggle in the face of
serious difficulties and anti-communist attacks.
The KKE promptly
informed and prepared the workers concerning the crisis and the anti-worker,
anti-people assault. It made it clear that the workers were not responsible
for the crisis, the debt and the deficit but that the forces of capital
and the policies which serve its interests are responsible, condensing
this political position into the slogan “The plutocracy must pay for
the crisis.”
The KKE and PAME
play the vanguard role in the daily struggles and fight against the
imperialist European Union, the bourgeois and opportunist parties, the
subjugated reformist forces in the trade union movement.
They focus their
attention on the unity of the working class and the social alliance,
on rallying working class and popular forces in a line and with aims
that come into conflict with capitalist path of development. In the
direction of a path of development which has as its criterion the satisfaction
of the contemporary needs of the people, popular power and the people’s
economy, socialism.
A very important
element is the coordination of the struggle of PAME and the other militant
rallies of the small farmers, small tradesmen, craftsmen and traders,
the militant women’s movement, the militant movement of students on
the basis of a common framework of struggle which contributes to the
mobilization of more popular forces, to the construction of the social
This combination
of ideological, political and mass struggle contributed to the increase
in the influence of the KKE, PAME and the other militant rallies, and
this was expressed in the recent elections for the local and regional
government bodies through the significant strengthening of
“People’s Rally”, the list which the KKE supports.
Sources of
strength for our party are its programmatic positions which were enriched
at the 18th congress through the decision concerning
the “Assessments and Conclusions on Socialist Construction in the
20th Century”.
A source of
strength for our party is its faith in the class struggle, its commitment
to the socialist revolution for the overthrow of capitalism and the
construction of socialism.
This struggle
determines the ideological-political and organizational work of the
party, its activity in the working class, popular strata and the youth.
It has been
proved in practice that the revolutionary line of struggle which the
KKE follows does not narrow mass work but strengthens it. It raises
the expectations of the workers, it provides a way out and a prospect
for the future, it contributes to shifts in the correlation of forces.
We must confirm
and reinforce our principles because this will strengthen the efforts
to deal with the crisis which affects the communist movement.
Our experience
teaches us that revolutionary struggle is predicated on the fight
against opportunism, which expresses the impact of bourgeois ideology
on the labour movement, and is a tool in the hands of the system, an
obstacle to the radicalization of popular forces, a vehicle for subjugation
and compromise, as the history of eurocommunism and its more recent
expressions have proved.
Opportunism wears
many masks.
For this reason
there must be strict criteria in order to discover what lies behind
the term “left” and the self-proclaimed left parties and initiatives.
Life shows that
the strategy and tactics of a series of forces that call themselves
“leftwing” are an obstacle to the anti-monopoly and anti-imperialist
We are in opposition
to the European Left Party, in which Die Linke from Germany plays a
leading role, because it defends the imperialist European Union, and
is dependent on it. Its social democratic strategy of managing
the system which it promotes with the assistance of capitalism, its
participation in the slanderous campaign against the USSR and socialism
which was constructed in the 20th century, from an anti-communist
anti-historical position, it spreads confusion amongst the workers,
it impedes the development of political class consciousness.
Similar parties
outside of the ELP do the same, such as the Left party of Sweden which
has utilized the foundation “International Left forum” (VIF) to
intervene in a liquidationist fashion for the social-democratization
of CPs.
In the opinion
of the KKE the ideological-political conflict with these forces must
be strengthened, their role must be exposed, taking into account that
these forces, together with the mechanisms of the socialist international
intervene, in combination with state mechanisms and interstate bodies,
corrosively within the ranks of the communist movement, operating as
a factor which prolongs its crisis.
In addition the
theses concerning “21st century socialism” are dangerous
for the communist movement. These positions are advanced by petty bourgeois
forces in Latin America, in opposition to scientific socialism.
This is an opportunist
ideological construct which distorts all the principles and laws of
socialism-communism, impedes the development of class struggle and causes
confusion within the working class.
The necessity
of socialist revolution, the overthrow of capitalism and the construction
of a new communist socio-economic formation, is not determined by the
correlation of forces at any given historical moment but by the historical
requirement for the solution of the basic contradiction between capital
and labour, the abolition of exploitation of man by man, the abolition
of classes.
For this reason
the painful overthrow of socialism in the Soviet Union and the other
socialist countries, and indeed all the counterrevolutionary changes
which were caused by opportunist corrosion, do not change the character
of our epoch as the era of the transition from capitalism to socialism.
The first duty
is the acquisition of state power by the working class in order to create,
through the conscious activity of the vanguard class and its party,
a new socio-economic base through the social ownership of the means
of production and central planning.
In order for all
classes to be abolished not only must the exploiters be overthrown,
not only must their ownership be abolished but every form of private
ownership of the means of production.
This Leninist
direction is of special importance in the struggle of the communists,
it protects us from mistakes and deviations.
The replacement
of the principles of Marxism-Leninism by revisionist approaches in the
name of national peculiarities has done great damage to the communist
We are talking
about strategic issues, about the central direction of our struggle
and not national peculiarity can negate the need for the revolutionary
overthrow of capitalism, the need for working class state power, for
the socialization of the means of production and central planning.
No national
peculiarity can justify the position concerning
“socialism with a capitalist market”. It is one thing to make a
necessary temporary retreat in adverse conditions (such as the NEP in
Lenin’s time), and quite another to accept capitalist laws and categories
as tools for socialist construction, as is happening today in China.
The Communist
formation has its own laws. Socialism with capitalist relations of production
has never existed, and will never exist.
The struggle of
the peoples will become more effective to the extent which the front
against imperialism and the imperialist unions is strengthened, to the
extent which the conflict is intensified against the theory of the so-called
“multi-polar world” that hides the essence of imperialism-monopoly
It is one thing
to utilize inter-imperialist contradictions to assist the anti-imperialist
struggle and quite another to idealize the stance of old or new, up
and coming or not, imperialist states and unions (EU, OSCE, Shanghai
pact etc) which are opposed to the USA on behalf of their own monopoly
groups in order to win a larger share of the markets.
This is not only
true of the European Union and Japan. It is also true of Brazil, India,
Russia and indeed of China, where capitalist relations of production
are now predominant. China’s capitalist monopoly groups are active
in every continent and at the political level it promotes a strategy
of cooperation with the Socialist International, which plays a key role
in capital’s assault.
The opposition
to the uneven relations which characterize the imperialist system, the
opposition to the strong presence of transnational capital in certain
states must acquire a deeper anti-imperialist-anti-monopoly content,
by fighting against positions which lead to an alliance with sections
of domestic capital and the political forces which represent their interests.
The independent
ideological, political, and organizational work of the CPs and an alliance
policy which is suited to a revolutionary force are basic principles
which when violated lead to the alteration of the CPs’ communist characteristics,
to their degeneration.
We have a great
deal of work to do and many difficult duties to undertake. The coordination
of our activity is necessary and we must insist on the implementation
of the goals which the international meetings of the Communist and Workers’
Parties decide on.
It is certain that the capitalist crisis will continue and consequently
there is a clear need to promote the duty for the organization of the
working class-popular struggle in every country in order to prevent
the anti-people measures, to rally more popular forces around anti-monopoly
goals, so that the bonds between the Communist Parties and the
working class, the youth and the popular strata are strengthened , as
well as their organization in the workplaces, so that new trade unions
are won to a class-oriented line, so that party organizations are built
in the factories and more generally in the workplaces, and of course
so that strong communist youth organizations are developed.
The KKE implements
with consistency the decisions which are contained in the joint statements
of the international meetings, takes initiatives to organize regional
and thematic meetings and persists concerning the question of the common
activity of the CPs of Europe and the Balkans where ideological
and organizational fragmentation have led to a large-scale retreat.
We will continue
on this road in the next period, working in parallel to strengthen the
initiative of the theoretical journals of sister Marxist-Leninist parties
to publish together with us the “International Communist Review”.
As a party we persist in our view that a discrete Marxist-Leninist pole
must be formed which will assist the communist movement in dealing with
its crisis.
The sharpening of inter-imperialist competition and the difficulties
the capitalist system has in dealing with the crisis, intensify imperialist
aggression and increase the dangers of new cycle of regional conflicts
in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, in the Korean peninsula, in Iran,
in the Caucasus, in the Balkans and other areas.
These dangers
are intensifying if we take into account the new NATO strategy, this
dangerous tool of imperialism, which allows for interventions, wars,
under the guise of a wide variety of pretexts, such as “terrorism»,
«extremism” “climate change”, “waves of immigration”.
The conditions,
the correlation of forces have changes and this is apparent in international
relations, in the international organizations, such as the UN. Today
international law which had been shaped by the conflict between socialism
and capitalism does not exist. It has been replaced by a law which serves
the interests of the imperialists, and for this reason any talk of a
“new global architecture” or the “democratization of international
relations” has no basis in reality.
In light of this
situation, communists must play a leading role in order to inform the
people and develop the anti-imperialist struggle, in order to open a
strong front against the bourgeois governments which participate in
the imperialist plans, to strengthen a fighting movement for disengagement
from NATO and the withdrawal of the occupation forces from Afghanistan
and Iraq.
The greatest possible
international solidarity with states and peoples which are threatened
by imperialism must be expressed, and the so-called “anti-missile
shield” of NATO-USA must not be installed.
We must strengthen
our support for socialist Cuba, as well as for the struggles of the
Palestinian people and the peoples of the Middle East, which resist
and do not submit to the plans of the USA and Israel.
We must demand
a just solution to the Cyprus problem, with the withdrawal of all the
occupation forces. The Cyprus problem is above all an International
issue of the invasion and occupation of 37% of an independent member-state
of the UN by the Turkish army, with the active assistance of the USA
and NATO.
anticommunism is continuing to intensify, with at its centre the anti-historical
identification of communism with fascist and Nazi brutality. The Council
of Europe, the European Union and the other imperialist organizations
promote harsh measures in order to restrict the activity of the CPs
and to squeeze their finances. Reactionary changes to the political
systems are being pushed forward; bourgeois state power is being reinforced
with new repressive mechanisms.
CPs remain illegal
and are persecuted in the states of Eastern and Central Europe, in Asia,
Africa and in other regions. Communist parties, revolutionary and anti-imperialist
movements in Latin America are being targeted under the pretext of the
war against “terrorism”; the forms of struggle and resistance which
the people choose are being criminalized.
We have a serious
responsibility and obligation to fight for, in a coordinated manner,
the legalization of the CPs and anti-imperialist forces and to defend
the history of the communist movement and massive contribution of the
Soviet Union and the socialism which was constructed in the 20th
the situation demands that we give more support to the international
anti-imperialist organizations, that we contribute to the strengthening
of the WFTU, which has made important progress and will hold its 16th
congress in April 2011 in Athens.
We must contribute
to the strengthening of the WPC, WFDY, which will hold the 17th
World Festival of Youth and Students here in a few days and the WIDF.
We must strengthen their anti-imperialist character.