Statement of the General Secretary of the CC of KKE regarding the motion on the “fight against extremism” which is being promoted in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

The bourgeois political system internationally aims at the heart of the people’s movements and reinforces the arsenal for its protection against its enemy, namely against the peoples and the radicalisation of their struggle.
The Council of Europe is playing a special role in the formation of a legal framework for state repression and the corresponding coordination of the member-states. Thus, a new effort to strike the people’s movement unfolds in the name of the “fight against extremism”. At its session on Tuesday October 5th 2010 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will vote on a motion that seeks the legalization of the authoritarian anti-democratic framework promoted in recent years by the monopolies and their political representatives.
The statement of the General Secretary of the CC of KKE, comrade Aleka Papariga on the reactionary motion:
“This monstrosities called the EU and the Council of Europe have decided to pass a motion in the Parliamentary Assembly on Tuesday October 5th , which condemns the peoples who resist the policy of the monopolies, who fight against the choices of capital. The peoples are convicted of extremism which includes everything from political positions and slogans to demonstrations, and strikes.
On Tuesday it will be decided whether the Parliamentary Assembly will provide an alibi for the EU and demand from the member states to adopt this legislation that might ban the activity of parties even their participation in the elections.
We clarify our position: the KKE will not surrender to anyone. In our opinion, this position does not only concern the members, the cadres, the friends and the supporters of KKE. It concerns a wide-range of people’s forces, radical forces, that struggled, went on strike, protested; forces that follow a course that will block the ruling policy in Greece and contribute to a large-scale movement for the resistance and the counterattack of the people in Europe.
We are sure that this position is not merely a communist position. The two MPs, who express the policy of ND and PASOK in the parliamentary Assembly must vote NO. We don’t know yet what they intend to do.
But we are certain of one thing: that the Greek people and the peoples of Europe will literally tear this motion to pieces as new barbaric measures are being prepared, a new round of measures in a period when the crisis in Europe is prolonged and their goal is, after Europe and Greece have overcome the crisis, to bring the rights of the working class to the level they used to be at least 50 or 60 years ago.
Even if this motion passes in the Assembly we are sure that the struggle of the people in Greece will block it.”
In reply to a question of a journalist the GS of the CC of KKE stated the following:
“Authoritarianism, state repression and state anticommunism are a reality in Europe. Due to people’s resistance, of course, it’s not that easy for them to pass whatever they want. In our opinion, this position, namely the fear of people’s uprisings, has to do with the fact that they are determined to implement this anti-people policy at all costs. And yet in conditions where the competition between them over which state, which enterprise will have the biggest share of the profits has intensified greatly.
Therefore, this choice shows their will to condemn the people to a life-long passiveness. They seek to repress the movement by every means at their disposal. However, this shows their intention to pass the measures, so their fear is justified.”
Last week the KKE called all communist and workers’ parties which are represented in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to prevent the adoption of this motion and struggle for its condemnation by the people.