Organisation of the people alternative proposal for the power- abolition of monopolies

The Central Committee of KKE extends warm greetings to the tens of thousands of young people, to the working people of all ages who visited the 36th Festival KNE- ODIGITIS and contributed to its success.
The wide-ranging and enthusiastic participation of the youth constitutes one more sign of the rise of the reputation of KNE and KKE. It shows that a current is being formed and strengthens in the framework of the general popular indignation. This current is marked by the deeper reflection and the approach of the alternative proposal of KKE. It shows the new possibilities that the party and KNE have.
On Saturday 18th September, Aleka Papariga, the General Secretary of the CC of KKE delivered a speech at a political rally organised in the framework of the festival. Among others she stressed:
“As all the peoples, we experience the tragic consequences of the capitalist restoration in the socialist countries. It is a temporary defeat which is utilized by the people’s enemies in order to convince the working people that the compliance and the submission to the powers of capital, the discipline to the bourgeois political system is inevitable.
We did not remain passive neither were we intimidated by the fierce anticommunist campaign and the justified disappointment caused by the overthrow. We have not adopted the views of the supporters of the capitalist system, the cowards who had every reason to conceal the truth.
We recovered from the sudden blow, we ignored the “Cassandras” arguing that the communist movement in Greece would disappear, we abandoned opportunism, we reconstructed and regrouped our party. We answered the main questions about the mistakes that were made and their causes. We continue the investigation and the debate. We realized our responsibility to prove to the people that they have the strength and the ability to struggle for another path of development against the monopolies and their power.
However, the people also have to struggle against the consequences of the anticommunist and the antisocialist campaign, against the persistent reference to mistakes and against nihilism. The people are not obliged to adopt the positions of our party. Nevertheless, they must realize what capitalism is and where it leads the people; what private ownership over the means of production, class exploitation and salaried labour mean”.
A. Papariga presented the political proposal of KKE for the People’s Economy and underlined: “our vision, of course, is not a capitalist Greece out of the EU and NATO, which will implement the same or a similar anti-people policy, even without the formal commitments. We do not struggle for a Greece where the people are alienated from the wealth they produce, where the people beg for pittances. We struggle for a Greece that will be formally and essentially disengaged from the EU and NATO, from the agreements with the US, free from capitalist ownership with the people asserting another path of development, with another type of society, with people’s ownership and power, with people’s economy, the socialist Greece.
Aleka Papariga called for the strengthening of the class oriented trade unions, in every sector, especially in the industrial areas and in sectors that have to do with services and products necessary for the people. At the same time, she underlined the need to build the alliance of the employees with the self-employed and the small-sized farmers from the bottom up. This alliance should broaden with rallies and students’, school students’ and women organizations, taking into account that the special problems of the women and the youth, who experience more severely the barbaric attack, need more attention.
In this framework she stressed the importance of the front created by All Workers’ Militant Front (PAME), the Nationwide Antimonopoly Rally of the Self-employed and the small Tradesman (PASEVE), the All Farmers’ Militant Rally (PASY), the Greek Women Federation (OGE) and the Students' Militant Front (MAS) .
General Secretary of the CC of KKE called the workers to vote for the
lists of “People’s Rally” which are supported by KKE throughout
the country. She underlined the importance of the rise of the lists
supported by KKE in the coming local elections of 7th November.
Aleka Papariga closed her speech with the following appeal: “let’s
meet in the anti-imperialist, antimonopoly struggle that encompasses
both urgent problems of the daily life and the struggle for people’s
power. The sooner the working class and the people decide to make this
big step, the closer the target of the struggle will get. We promise
to be more militant, more open to the discussion with the people, more
patient and flexible. But we clarify that we will not be flexible towards
the capitalist restructuring, the memorandum, the bourgeois political
system and its supporters.”