Do they plan to activate again the mechanism of falsification?

In 2 September the Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, visited Poland and held talks with his Polish counterpart Radoslaw Sikorski. Sergey Lavrov stated amongst others that “President Dimitry Medvedev is personally engaged with the investigation of the incidents in Katyn” and added that “the President ordered the publication of more documents while the required process is under way” without giving any further explanations.
Shortly before this statement Victor Ilyuhin, ex attorney and State Duma Deputy of the CPRF, revealed the mechanism for the falsification of documents in the Russian archives, in order to slander the leadership of the USSR and the CP of Bolsheviks during Second World War. Victor Ilyuhin posed this issue in the State Russian Duma, nevertheless, the Russian leadership has not given any serious answer so far.
After the statements of Lavrov in Poland, one could wonder whether the Russian leadership and President Medvedev in particular, plan to activate again the mechanism for the falsification of historical documents, in order to vindicate their version about the incidents in Katyn which was first presented by Goebbels.
Everything is possible especially after the awarding of the Polish director A. Vaida who filmed the Nazi version of the incidents.
The statements of Lavrov coincide with the effort of the Russian capital to penetrate in Poland and get a bigger share in the EU market while at the same time the capitalists in Poland, based on the EU “Energy Charter”, seek to benefit from the pipelines of the Russian Gazprom that pass through Poland.
One could wonder: how long will the Russian leadership expose itself in order to achieve the socio-political goals of the capital? Is there an end to this course which breeds the anti-communist and anti-soviet hysteria in the EU OSCE, in the Council of Europe and the other “institutions” where the anticommunist notions and memoranda emerge one after the other? Doesn’t the stance of Russia feed a wide range anticommunist current which is a boomerang for Russia as well, given the financial claims that the Baltic countries demand from Russia about the alleged “Soviet occupation”?