Message of condolences of the CC of KKE to the Communist Party of Chile

The CC of KKE
expresses its sorrow for the death of the comrade Luis Corvalán, a
revolutionary and leading cadre of the communist movement, general secretary
of the CC of the Communist Party of Chile from 1958 to 1989.
Hs name and his
action have been inextricably linked with the struggle of the communist
and workers’ movement for the democratic and popular rights, for social
justice, for socialism.
Comrade Luis Corvalán
struggled in difficult periods; he confronted the dictatorship of Pinochet,
the persecutions, the imprisonments, the political exile heroically
and remained unwavering in the struggle for socialism-communism.
Even after the
overthrow of socialism in the USSR, where he had lived as a political
refugee, he did not lose his faith to Marxism Leninism, he firmly defended
the necessity of the new communist society, the only alternative to
the barbarity of capitalism.
Last year, in August 2009 Luis Corvalán accepted the international call of KKE and signed along with 600 personalities from tens of countries the statement condemning the unacceptable equation of communism-fascism, attempted by the European Union (EU) and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact.
The Greek communists
will always keep in their memory the great Chilean communist leader
who dedicated his life to the struggle of the working class. Please
convey our condolences to his family and his comrades.
July 22, 2010
The CC of KKE