Visit of J Buzek in Athens: Intervention of KKE against anticommunist measures in Poland
During the meeting Giorgos Toussas, MEP of KKE, denounced the slaughter at the open sea of Gaza by the Israeli army, the stance of the EU and the anti-communist campaign unfolding in Poland by means of banning the communist symbols by the anticommunist law that will be activated on 8th June.
J. Buzek chose not to answer to the evidences that the KKE MEP presented proving the provocative stance of the political representatives of the capital when it comes to the defense of its interests.
These provocations will meet the answer of the communist movement on 8th June, the day of the joint action of the Communist and Workers’ Parties against anticommunism and the ban of the communist symbols in Poland.
Below you can find the full text of the contribution of Giorgos Toussas in the meeting of the committees of the Greek Parliament.
"Nowadays, more and more working people realize the true character of the EU. They realize that it only serves the safeguard and the perpetuation of the capitalist system and the profits of monopoly groups.
For that reason, the EU, the European Parliament, the parties of the capital pursue and lead the anticommunist campaign, the penalization of the communist ideology and the persecutions against the communist parties.
It has been proved throughout history that the anticommunist activity of the bourgeoisie and the political representatives of the capital in general, constitutes a precursor, a necessary precondition for the passing of the barbaric anti-people measures, and the blow on the workers’ and people’s movement.
Following the Baltic countries and Hungary, another EU-country, Poland, banned the use of communist symbols by law that will be activated on June 8 . This new anti-communist ban is totally contrary to the celebrations and the empty words about “democracy” and “freedom”.
The bans on communist symbols, the penalization of the communist ideology and the action of the communist parties reveal that the bourgeois governments and their mechanisms are afraid of a new counterattack by the workers’ and people’s movement.
KKE condemns these persecutions and demands the stop of the all anti-communist persecutions and bans in Poland as well as in other EU member states".
After the joint session of the committees of the Greek Parliament, Giogos Toussas stated: the message of KKE from Acropolis rock “PEOPLES OF EUROPE RISE UP” is echoing in the streets of Lisbon, Madrid, Paris and Bucharest. Tomorrow it will echo louder throughout Europe. Historical development cannot stop. We continue, confident of the fact that the class struggle is the driving force for the abolition of the exploitation of man by man, the construction of socialism communism.