Activation of the judicial and repressive mechanisms against the struggles of PAME

A few days before the 24hour general strike there was an attempt to criminalise the activities of All Workers Militant Front (PAME).
The party "Drasi"(“Action”) of St. Manos, a former deputy of the Social-democratic PASOK and former minister of the conservative ND filed a lawsuit at the cassation court, demanding the prosecution of PAME. Thus, it joined the feverish attack of the ruling class on the working class and the daily attacks of the bourgeois media, the servants of the employers.
Besides, this party, which has received merely the 0,7% of the votes at the European Parliament elections of 2009, demands “to investigate whether members of PAME’s leadership, or other accomplices hold criminal responsibility for the illegal actions, which will be revealed by the investigation". Obviously, "Drasi” is sensitive as far as businessmen are concerned, but it does not appeal to the prosecutor when workers are killed, or when they are maimed at work due to so called "accidents", or when workers are fired without compensation.
The Social-democratic government used this disgraceful claim to launch another attack against the class trade union movement.
At the same time, trade union cadres of the casino on Parnitha Mountain are prosecuted. The casino’s employers require the cancellation of the trade union membership of the chairman of the company’s trade union Georgia Flouda and the chairman of the Panhellenic union of technicians of board games Aristomenis Tsourapas in order to dismiss them for their action.
The persecution of teachers who strike and fight in the ranks of PAME class forces also persists. Through the administrative apparatus of the government another teacher was summoned to account for her participation in the strike declared by PAME on 21 April.
It should be noted that for many months union activists who were at the forefront of the struggle and of the strike picket lines are under criminal prosecution. E.g. for actions at the "Jumbo" stores.
The bourgeois media have long demanded the prosecution of the seamen who held a successful strike on 21-22 April, despite attempts by the government and ship owners to use strike-breakers. The seamen managed to stop the ships, including the ghetto cruise ship "Zenith" that is used for lifting the cabotage.
It is apparent that people do not only face the government and the main opposition party, but also the interests of the monopolies and of the Greek bourgeoisie. Resistance and confrontation must be substantial, integral and planned.
The Executive Secretariat of PAME replied: "Their fear is justified. But let those who overtly or covertly seek to criminalise and restrict the action of PAME know that it is impossible to intimidate, blackmail and subordinate PAME”.
The workers will respond to their plans by participating in the 20 May strike declared by PAME.