Statement of Solidarity with comrade M. Barakeh and the Communist Party of Israel
KKE on the occasion of the rigged trial that began on march 10th against comrade Muhammad Barakeh, member of the PB of the Communist Party of Israel and chairperson of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality “Hadash”, condemns this new anti-communist, anti-democrat, anti-popular, political persecution by the government and the state of Israel.
By this means the Israeli government intends to eliminate the real popular opposition that resists in all fronts against the aggressive imperialist policy of Israel. KKE calls upon the working class and the popular strata to condemn the policy of the state and of the government of Israel, as well as the imperialist forces in the US and the EU that support and encourage the continuous aggression of Israel.
The Greek government and the other parties that support the EU policy bear responsibility for the crimes of Israel against the peoples of Middle East, as well as for the anti-communist, anti-democrat, dangerous actions of the Israeli state. We call upon the people to express their solidarity with the Communist Party of Israel and its allies who struggle under particularly difficult conditions, as well as with the Palestinian people and the peoples of the broader region who struggle for the liberation of their territories from the Israeli occupation.