Statement concerning the new attack against the Cuban People
Concerning the recent EP resolution on Cuba, the KKE delegation in the European Parliament stated the following:
“The new attack of the European Parliament (EP) against the socialist government and the people of Cuba, through its unacceptable resolution, under the pretext of Orlando Sapata Tamajo’s death - the Cuban criminal convict who died on a hunger strike, despite the efforts of the Cuban health services to reverse his health situation– is part of the anticommunist crusade being lead by the EU and carried out by the EP. It is part of the antisocialist assault and the flagrant EU imperialist intervention against the island of revolution, as expressed in the offensive EU Common Position against Cuba which aims at overthrowing the Cuban socialist government.
The exploitation of this incident attempted by the representatives of the capital in the EP is provocative and hypocritical. The center- right, the center- left and the greens in the EP, shamelessly support the coup d’etat in Honduras, while refusing to condemn:
- the assassinations of the tens of fighters by the dictatorial regime;
- the slaughter of hundreds of trade unionists and fighters by the State and the Paramilitary Services of Uribe regime in Colombia;
- the unfair imprisonment of the 5 Cuban patriots, that still goes on in the US prisons, for defending their country against the planned terrorist attacks of the agent gangs installed in Miami and are fed, organized, trained and financed by the USA against Cuba.
The political representatives of the capital who have on their hands the blood of the people of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, as well as the blood of all of the peoples that suffer from the brutal imperialist wars and from the EU, NATO, US interventions around the world, are not entitled to teach lessons of “democracy” and “human rights”.
What is bothering the capital and its political personnel is the socialist government of Cuba, the socialization of the basic means of production, the abolishment of the exploitation of men by men.
What bothers them is the heroic resistance of the Cuban people who- despite the US criminal embargo and the co-ordinated warfare of all the imperialist centers against them for over 50 years- defend socialism and its great conquests, as well as their unalienable right to freely choose their own path for their lives and the satisfaction of its own needs.
What they are afraid of is the bright example of socialist Cuba to the people of Latin America and the rest of the world that suffer under the power of the monopolies. The huge achievements of Cuba in health, education, people’s housing; the remarkable rights of the working class, and the working people; the widest and substantial freedom of Cuban people stand as a proof of the superiority and the possibilities of socialism compared to the capitalist system that constantly accumulates difficulties for the working class and the popular strata.
The Communist Party of Greece bluntly condemns the EP resolution and denounces the fierce attack of the forces which consider the EU “a one-way street’ against the socialist Cuba. It encourages the peoples of Europe:
to “build a wall of solidarity” protecting the Cuban people and its government; to demand the abolition of EU Common Position against Cuba; to support the Cuban government’s calls for initiation of EU- Cuba political dialogue on the base of equality and mutual benefit, without any preconditions set by the EU; to condemn EU effort to use human rights as a pretext for putting imperialist pressure on the Cuban people and their government; to demand the immediate lift of the US embargo against Cuba and the release of the 5 Cuban patriots; to defend the right of the Cuban people to fight against the imperialist attempts which aim to get the country back to a regime of capitalist tyranny and exploitation.”