Escalation of the small and medium peasants' struggle in Greece during the second week of their mobilizations

At the same time the poor and medium sized peasants gave a clear cut answer to the governments’ call for a prearranged “dialogue” with the participation of the industrialists’ and ship-owners’ unions and the yellow representatives of the peasants’ movement. On Monday the peasants of the blockade of Nikaia organised a protest in Athens, outside the building where the fixed dialogue is taking place and declared that they are not willing to bargain away their rights.
PASY and the blockade of Nikaia called for joint militant action of all blockades. This call had a particularly positive impact among the peasants. This action should be based on the rejection of the fixed social partnership talks, on the demand to abolish the separation of peasants to peasants of main and secondary occupation. At the same time, peasants put forward a platform of demands that strike a tough blow at the EU Common Agricultural Policy(CAP) e.g. guaranteed prices for every product, protection of domestic production, abolition of deductions and taxes, freezing of debts etc.
From the very first moment KKE has been on the side of the militant small and medium sized peasants stating its agreement with their just demands and with the form of struggle they themselves have decided. Against the blockades are the liberal ND and the nationalist LAOS, while the opportunists of SYN/SYRIZA have hypocritically expressed their support to the struggle of the medium and small sized peasantry while at the same time they support the CAP of the EU that wipes them out.