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Parliamentary delegation from Lebanon visited Greece

Khaled Hadada General Secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party and Mr. Ali Bazzi member of the Lebanese Parliament visited from December 7-10, Greece upon invitation by KKE.

The Lebanese delegation met with A.Papariga, General Secretary and head of the KKE parliamentary group, D. Koutsoumpas, PB member and responsible for international relations, O.Kolozof, spokesman of the KKE Parliamentary group, Mr. Stavrou spokesman of the Parliamentary Group of the ruling New Democracy Party, Mr. F.Kouvelis spokesman of the SYRIZA - party and the members of the parliamentary friendship group Greece-Lebanon, which includes representatives from all political parties as well as with Mr. Ikonomou MP and Mr. Tsikas from the international relations commission of PASOK.

The Lebanese guests meet on December 10 with a KKE delegation headed by A.Papariga and attended the event organized by the CC honoring the fighters of the Democratic Army of Greece on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the civil war 1946-1949.

After the meeting Mr. Ali Bazzi stressed:

“We had the honor to meet the General Secretary of KKE and to convey the greetings of the President of the Lebanese Parliament. We had the opportunity to meet Mrs. Papariga in Beyruth in July this year, during the unjust war against the Lebanese people. We are proud and we express our thanks for the solidarity expressed by the Greek communists towards the Lebanese people so hard affected by the attacks by Israel.

Together with Prof. Khaled Hadada we explained the actual political situation and the general recent developments in Lebanon. Our assessments as well as these of Mrs. Papariga about situation were identical.

I would like on this opportunity to underline once again that it is our right to counter the attacks and the pressure which we actually face, which have Lebanon and the whole region of Middle East more generally as their target.”

A.Papariga declared: “We will never forget the sufferings of the Lebanese people provoked by the Israeli aggression and carried out in coordination with the US.

At the same time we didn’t forget that Israel was not able to be victorious in Lebanon. The Lebanese people demonstrated once again the fact that peoples fight can be victorious. We know very well that imperialism will do its best in order to counterbalance the defeats on the military and political field during the very concrete moment. The imperalist forces by trying to impose their choices in Lebanon and in the whole region will not hesitate to use some of the conservative domestic forces in Lebanon and even the civil war. We will continue in our solidarity actions for Lebanon and our efforts in order to keep the Greek people informed and especially the working people on the real problem in Lebanon and on the plans for the future of the country. This is, in on our point of view, essential for an as much as possible large support. Of course we will exercise pressure to the Greek government not permitting to be the messenger for the US policy in the region.”

From 10-14 December the delegation of the Lebanese Communist Party composed by Khaled Hedada General Secretary and Nadim Alaa Eddine PB member had discussions with St. Loukas PB member of the CC of KKE, with other cadres of KKE in charge of the work in the trade unions, with representatives of the Greek Committee for Democratic International Solidarity [EEDDA], of the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace [EEDYE] and of the Federation of Greek Women [OGE].


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