Extraordinary regioanl meeting: Parties that participated
the Countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, the Gulf Region and the Red Sea
Athens, 19-20 August 2006
Parties That Participated
- Progressive Democratic Tribune, (PDT), Bahrain
- Communist Party of Cuba
- AKEL-Cyprus
- Unified Communist Party of Georgia
- Communist Party of Greece
- Tudeh Party of Iran
- Communist Party of Israel
- Jordanian Communist Party
- Lebanese Communist Party
- Palestinian People's Party
- Portuguese Communist Party
- Communist Party of Russian Federation
- Sudanese Communist Party
- Syrian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Turkey
Written contributions and messages send by:
- Communist Party of Egypt
- Communist Party of Macedonia
- Hungarian Communist Workers’ Party
- Communist Party of Palestine
- Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain, PCPE
- Syrian Communist Party
- Communist Workers’ Party of Russia- Party of the Communists of Russia
- Communist Party of Soviet Union
- Communist Party of Ukraine
- Union of Communists of Ukraine