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Week of Solidarity with Cuba

A series of events of solidarity with Cuban people and revolution take place during the week 1-7 of May in several towns around Greece, with the participation of representatives of Cuban organizations.

The events are being organized by the Greek-Cuban Friendship Association, EEDYE (peace movement), PAME (all workers’ militant front, the EEDDA (Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity), OGE (Greek Women’s Federation) and other entities of the popular movement

In a joint press release they call the Greek people and youth to participate actively in the events, to express their solidarity and support to the Cuban people and its government, and to denounce the policy of USA and EU towards Cuba, demanding the end of the US blockade on Cuba, the closing the US Base in Guantanamo.

Aleida Guevara addressed the manifestation of May 1st organized by PAME in Athens, while Juan Carlos Frometa member of the international department of CP of Cuba participated in the May 1st rally in Thessaloniki. On May 2 he also spoke at a event of solidarity with Cuba organized by the Thessaloniki organizations of KKE and KNE.

The program of the solidarity activities include events in the towns of Lavrio (3/5), Halkida (3/5), Nikea (3/5), Lamia (5/5), Elefsina (4/5), Livadia (5/5), Menidi (5/5), Larissa (5/5), Patra (6/5) and will culminate on 7/5 with a central event in Athens-Nikea.

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