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International petition in solidarity with KSM

The petition can be endorsed on line at

Dear Comrades,

As you certainly know a big international campaign of solidarity with the Communist Youth Union of the Czech Republic [KSM] is under way in order to protest the arbitrary attacks by the Czech government and the threat the organization to be banned on March, 4 2006.

WFDY, a big number of youth organizations, political parties and organizations, national and European MPs, trade unions and many mass organizations and movements as well as many well know intellectuals from many countries followed the appeal of the comrades of KSM and expressed in many occasions their strong protest to the Czech Embassies and authorities.

Continuing the struggle against anticommunism and based on the success of the international mobilization against the anticommunist motion of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe we forward you for endorsement and distribution the following petition in solidarity with the Communist Youth Union of the Czech Republic.

The petition can be endorsed on line at

All the signatures are delivered to the Czech authorities, the European Parliament and to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

In case you prefer to send your signature by e-mail, please just “reply”, Cc:

For letters addressed directly to the Home Office of the Czech Republic please note:
Ministerstvo vnitra oddeleni volebni a sdruzovani
Namesti Hrdinu 3,
140 21 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Fax:++ 420 974 816 872
URL for the Czech embassies: click here

The comrades of the KSM will be grateful to receive a copy of your protests:
Fax: ++ 420 222 897 426

We would like to thank all comrades and friends for their immediate support and cooperation.

Comradely yours,

Section for international relations of KKE

Solidarity With The Communist Youth Union – KSM

We, the undersigned, vehemently protest the arbitrary judicial actions taken by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic aiming to repeal the “civic association” status of the Communist Youth Union - KSM.

These actions, rooted on political and ideological discrimination, can only be considered as part of an unjust , anti-democratic and anti-communist campaign, that seeks to restrict the freedom of association and expression of the Czech Republic's people and, in particular, of its youth.

The initiatives against KSM are an inadmissible form of political and ideological manipulation which, in targeting the Communists attempt once again to criminalize communist ideology and any social action demanding implementation of the legitimate aspirations of the youth regarding peace, education, work, solidarity, a clean environment and progressive culture for all.

The attempt to coerce the KSM into changing its ideological base, or have its activity banned represents, just a short time before the parliamentary elections, a new and serious attack as well as against the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, a Party that is the 3rd most influential in the country’s Parliament.

In effect these measures directly undermine a full range of liberties and democratic guarantees for the people of the Czech Republic.

This new action by the Czech government aims to give new impetus to the various discriminations targeting al ready the communists and whitewashing the crimes carried out by the supporters of fascist and Nazi ideology and policy.

We express our full solidarity with the Communist Youth Union – KSM , with the communists and other progressive minded people of the Czech Republic in their fight in defence of elementary democratic rights and liberties.

We demand the immediate end to the attacks and direct steps to restore basic democratic liberties for the Czech youth and the free action of the Communist Youth Union - KSM.


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