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Instigator of the anti communist motion says “Communism is an evil idea” and “French revolution was terrible”!!!

Dear comrades and friends,

As you know in our country there is a strong campaign against the anti-communist motion to PACE, that was triggered by the memorandum submitted by the Swedish MP Mr. Lindblad to the Political Affairs Committee.

A local newspaper of the northern suburbs of Athens named “AMARYSIA” (e-mail sent a protest letter to Mr Lindland (e-mail His response is instructive of the real character and intentions behind the anti-communist motion and the anti-communist campaign it initiates.

In his response mail not only he says that “communism is an evil idea”! but he goes beyond stating that “the French Revolution was terrible”!!! and ends with the “friendly advice” to the AMARYSIA newspaper “be carefull which history you are defending”!!

These are the ideas that Mr. Lindblad defends, whose report was accepted at the Political Affairs Commission of PACE, and one can draw his conclusions about the nature of this anti-communist offensive as well as about those who will back it.

For your information we attach the full correspondence between the AMARYLIS daily and Mr Lindblad

The International Section of KKE

The letter of AMARYSIA daily:

“Dear “Mr.” Lindblad,

you have made a terrible mistake. You shouldn’t stop only with discriminating communism. How about the French revolution? How about Luther? And, how about Jesus?

Let’s be serious. We will have to thank you, because, due to your “actions”, communism will be again in the middle of the international interest. You will soon have to defend your ideas, in front of a massive movement. You will have to explain your silence, regarding the mass murders of the USA. You will have to find an excuse for the new EU members, for not recognizing the status of citizen to the Russian minority! You will have to clear up your “sympathy” for the Turkish regime.

Thank you for waking up our consciences. Greece, the fatherland of Democracy, will be in the front line against your “efforts”. Fascism will never have a chance again in Europe!

“Community for Defending the History”
Athens, Greece”

And the response by mr Lindblad (dated December 28th, 2005), keeping the original spelling:


The French Revolution was terrible the Paris commune being the for runners of Communism. Luther did not kill people nor did he put people in prisons or starve them to death. You are a bit confused here, Luther broke away from the Catholic church with inquisition and all. Jesus did preach forgiveness and love. However communism is evel as an idea. It has ben eveil and a disaster whre eve practiced. The only reason Greek communists did not engage in crimes against humanity is because they did never achive power.

In opposition communists are much harmless

As for the United States there are no crimes that even come close to those of communism or national socialism (nazism). Also US is a democracy with the rule of law. All communist regimes have been rule without law Russian minorities are much better protected than ANY minority under communist rule where whole nations where exterminated or polpulations moved somewhere else.

As for the Turks they are now shaping up quickly changing legislation and will soon meet the Copenhagen criteria. Even so the Turkish population on Cyprus. Greece being the fatherland of democracy mus quickly convince their brothers on Cyprus that unification is the only way.

Be carefull which history you are defending, communists have a tendency to rewrite history

Goran Lindblad”


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