Al. Papariga addresses the electoral rally of CPBM
Dear comrades We immediately responded to the invitation addressed by the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia to give our internationalist presence at your electoral rally, to convey the internationalist solidarity and the militant greetings of the members and friends of KKE to the difficult but noble struggle that you are conducting for the present and the future of your country. |
We are here to raise further our voice, along with yours, against the anticommunist witch hunt that the European imperialist reaction has unleashed in all countries. A campaign that ranges from the shameful anticommunist motion of the Council of Europe, to the unacceptable actions of the Czech Government aiming at banning the legal activity of the Communist Youth Union of Czech Republic and to the operations and the recent terrorist attacks on the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia.
These attacks spring from those forces that are utterly responsible for the demolition of the social rights and gains, for the poverty and the restriction of fundamental rights, for the involvement of your country in the imperialist wars, for the rise of nationalism and chauvinism.
Allow me to use this tribune to convey you, face to face, the resolute message of solidarity and support of the thousands of people –in their vast majority youngsters- who endorsed the appeal to stop all persecutions and actions against KSM.
This massive response brings optimism to all of us because it demonstrates that the values the communists defend –even at the cost of their lives-, for a world of peace and without exploitation of man by man, still remain up to date; they inspire and mobilize the new generations that have not known the socialism in Europe and the vast advances it contributed to the progress of humanity.
The ordinary people, the working people, first and foremost the working class, realize from so many years of experience that all major offensives by the capital against the democratic freedoms, against the rights and the gains of the working people, always started with organized attacks against their most consequent defenders, the communists. This is why the most unfailing, certain step the workers and the youth can take towards repelling the attack but also in order to pave the way for profound changes in their life is the decisive reinforcement of the communists.
Dear comrades
There are strong bonds between the Communist Party, the Popular Movement of Greece and the communists and the people of your country.
We do not forget your solidarity with the Greek political refugees, the offerings of yours along with the USSR and the other socialist countries to the children and the families of the refugees. We do not forget your internationalist solidarity during the years of the colonels’ military dictatorship and your support to the persecuted fighters, the struggles we have fought shoulder to shoulder for peace, progress and socialism in Europe.
Today we join our voices around common demands that deal with the confrontation of NATO, with EU itself and its reactionary anti-people’s policies, with the aggressiveness of the US imperialism, with the frantic anti-communism and the attacks on the Communist Parties and their activity.
Give a strong militant response to the reactionary and barbarous policies with the decisive strengthening of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia! Forward to the victory!