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Contribution of the Communist Party of Belarus [En.]

Peculiarities of activity of left-wing patriotic parties and
public associations of Belarus in the context of Europe-wide processes

Dear comrades! Dear colleagues!
On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and all left-wing patriotic forces of Belarus let me greet all the participants of the meeting of communist and left-wing forces of Europe.
The Republic of Belarus is a geographic and historical part of the European community. It is understandable to Europe and corresponds to social and economic processes and cultural aspirations of Europe. Belarus is also ontologically connected with Eurasian social and cultural space. This has determined the adherence of the Belarusians to left-wing ideas and values. On the political level these beliefs and values are expressed by left-wing patriotic parties and associations, and first of all by the Communist Party of Belarus.
Our meeting is taking place at a remarkable historic moment. The modern reality of European and world policy makes Europeans feel the instability and unpredictability of the development of the world, which is entering the state of turbulence. The break-up of the bipolar world order has not brought Europeans any stability, sustainability of being, optimistic determination into the future. The existing standards and ways of mastering the world and of solving problems that appear have nearly drained themselves. The habitual mode of life and the stereotypes of world perception are collapsing.
New threats and challenges require adequate responses from the political community. Instead, institutional structures represented by states, parties, elites use old ways and tools to solve them. World political leaders (and European politicians are not an exception) more and more often resort to solving most complicated issues and contradictions by force, rejecting dialogue and compromise. International institutions and law are loosing their authority and influence on global policy, become means that are used by the leading powers to reach their hegemony aims. The force of law is more and more often substituted by the law of force. We are concerned about the ambition of the USA to use military force to establish a "new world order" on the basis of their system of values and their way of life. Unfortunately, the European political community and elites are developing within the framework of this policy.
The Communist Party of Belarus is one of the few in the European political space that supports the course of political leaders of the country to build a socially oriented state. This support is based on the coincidence of strategic tasks and purposes of our party and the policy pursued in Belarus. Such values as social justice, social solidarity, government by the people, work (and not speculative and financial activity) are the essence of social and economic policy pursued by the government of Belarus. In the country there is a system of social protection of various categories of citizens: children, young families, low-income circles of the population. The 2011 budget of the country assigns more than 60% of the expenses to social programs. In spite of the negative impact of the world financial and economic crisis no social programme in the Republic has been axed. Moreover in 2009, the year of the crisis, the GDP growth constituted 0.2%. In 2010, due to the course pursued, the GDP grew by 7.6%. The growth of industrial production in 2006-2010 was 145.5%. Unemployment is 0.7%. During 2010 only, there were three increases of pensions and social benefits.
The ideas of the government by the people, equality, and social justice are also laid down in the up-dated programme of the Communist Party of Belarus. The draft programme is to be discussed at the coming plenary assembly of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus.
The programme requirements of the СРВ stem from scientific analysis of the modern world and its main trends, real processes going on in the Belarusian society are also taken into account.
Alongside with traditional features, the policy of globalization has lead to new characteristics of the modern capitalist formation:
- a global system of neo-colonization;
- neo-slavery;
- totalitarianism.
The cause of the greatest concern for left-wing patriotic forces of Belarus is strengthening of totalitarian trends in global and European policy.
Totalitarianism ("liberal", "democratic", "in soft sleepers") is practiced in countries which are in transitional state. The basic aim is to reformat public consciousness in the framework of neo-liberal ideology. This process is aimed at destructing the traditional collectivist outlook based on the norms of morality and substituting it by "universal" pseudo ideals, which absolutize rights and freedoms of an individual.
Belarusian communists believe that the recent "colour" and "flower" revolutions on the European territory result from implementing a "mondialistic" project of unification of the global political space. This space has no place for sovereign states, national cultures, political and cultural diversity, charismatic and independent state leaders. The world oligarchy takes the right to decide who will be a political leader in this or that country. There is a huge range of ideological and information means and ways of invasive influence on public consciousness with the aim of political manipulations of the masses.
European institutions and political leaders allow to have a personal stance and view only if they coincide with the established "democratic" standard. Implementation of such standards in their countries is a task of high-paid politicians and political technologists, as well as journalists and part of the cultural elite which share liberal values and are financed by different foreign grants and foundations. They are structured in non-governmental organizations, various associations, centers, etc. They are usually called "structures" of civil society, though people call them "the fifth column". However pompous the words of democracy, human rights and freedoms, pluralism are, what we have to do with is an ambition of the world oligarchy to establish a global totalitarian regime. Rights and freedoms become an aim in itself, a means of justifying interference in internal matters of a sovereign state. Pluralism of views is replaced by information, psychological and political technologies, simple PR of mass media. Any independent national leader, who threatens the implementation of such a plan, is toppled.
In December 2010 certain political forces of the USA and European countries, (first of all Poland and Germany) made an attempt to fulfill a project of another "colour" revolution — in the Republic of Belarus — and timed it to coincide with presidential election. Belarus faced an unprecedented information war and political hysteria which still continue. Up to now there is an opinion in the European community that only institutionalized Belarusian opposition is the only supporter of democratic values and a representative of the democratically-minded part of the society. Many European politicians obstinately refuse to accept that Belarus has a considerable segment of the society which adheres to democratic values although its representatives do not support the opposition and do not vote for it at the election.
On the basis of one-sided, biased and perverted information the European Parliament and the EU Council have passed a number of resolutions on imposing sanctions not only against the government of the country, but also against those who had in this or that way "offended" the Belarusian opposition. We should emphasize that the first and the second secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Part of Belarus were also banned entrance to the EU. In our opinion the decision to prohibit 12 Belarusian journalists enter the European Union violates basic principles of democracy and is a manifestation of intolerance towards dissent.
The amazing scale and cynicism characterize the anti-Belarusian campaign started in Poland. The ruling circles of Poland have not only claimed that the Belarusian government punishes "innocent freedom fighters" but that it also ruthlessly oppresses national minorities. With this aim a conference of donors "Solidarity with Belarus" was summoned in Warsaw on February 2011. Its participants, contrary to the norms of international law, have assigned 87 million euros to support "structures of civil society" in Belarus which means to support only the pro-Western opposition. It should be noted that European politicians could have used these financial means to solve social issues in their countries instead of supporting the well-being of Belarusian opposition leaders who have not been working anywhere for decades. Such an attitude of the Polish ruling circles very well corresponds to the established doctrine of creating "Great Poland", which doesn't exclude territorial acquisitions in the East. Within this logic lies the execution of legislation "On Pole's Card" passed by the Polish Seim. In this situation the Belarusian Parliament had to apply to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus questioning the correspondence of this legislation to the norms of international law.
Representatives of left-wing political forces of Belarus are convinced that on December 19, 2010 the Belarusian people made a responsible choice and elected A.G.Lukashenko President of the country. The expression of the will of Belarusian citizens was free, deliberate and democratic. It was confirmed by numerous local and foreign observers. The Communist Party of Belarus and other left-wing forces have supported A.G.Lukashenko at the election. Our representatives were members of electoral commissions, initiative groups supporting the incumbent president, were observers at voting stations. For example 760 communists were members of initiative groups collecting signatures, 1020 — of territorial and precinct election commissions and 1360 communists were observers at the election. The victory of A.G.Lukashenko at the election was obvious and predictable for many analysts, scientists, politicians. This confidence stemmed from the analysis of the political reality, election programs and personal qualities of the candidates to presidency as well as from the social and economic policy pursued by the political government and the degree of the President's support by the population. The circumstance that before the election campaign the names of some candidates to presidency were known only to a limited number of Belarusian voters has also been taken into account.
Election campaign of opposition candidates to presidency came down to personal offences of the incumbent President, charges of the future rigging the election and calls to go to the central square of the capital with a protest action when the election is over. Their observers at voting stations organized provocations aiming at disrupting voting. Many people will agree that there are no wonders in politics: several months of the election process are not enough to win if one doesn't have a strong charisma even if the election campaign was financed by dozens of millions of dollars and supported by foreign information resources. That's why the results of the election were predictable: 79.67% of the Belarusian citizens voted for A.G.Lukashenko.
The Belarusian people have supported the political, social and economic course of' the country's development suggested by the head of the state. Unfortunately not all the candidates managed to receive their failure with dignity. They lead around 7 thousands of their supporters to a square in the centre of the capital and tried to assault the House of Government. They proclaimed the formation of the so-called "government of people's trust". These events took place when election commissions were counting votes and the preliminary results of the election were not known. However it was of no importance to the opposition. It fulfilled the political scenario written abroad. In this situation the authorities were to prevent bloodshed and destabilization of the situation in the country. Within 7 minutes law enforcement officers cleared the square of those holding a mass meeting, detained the organizers and active participants of the violence including former "democratic" candidates to presidency.
Belarusians have seen the true face of the opposition which in such a way tried to work off the money of its foreign sponsors. It was ready to cast their country into the abyss of violence only to meet their ambitions of power at all costs. Belarusian Communists have categorically condemned the actions of irresponsible politicians who went outside legal terrain and committed penal acts. Unfortunately, OSCE mission has again proclaimed that the election did not meet international standards. We believe that in this case a cynical substitution of the election process and the events around it took place. Having obtained financial and political support of the USA and European structures, the Belarusian opposition today is on purpose committing penal acts so that it could later position itself as "victims of the regime".
Citizens of Belarus are puzzled by the requirements of the European Parliament and the EU Council and some politicians to free the arrested oppositional ex-candidates to presidency. The society perceives such requirements as disrespect towards law and explicit pressure on the judicial system of Belarus. Belarusian Communists and all patriotic forces of the country believe that political fight should not be mixed with actions to seize public institutions by force. The law is one for all, and no one can be lead outside the legal terrain, it can be neither a representative of the opposition, nor a common citizen. This is an axiom for a rightful democratic state.
In the current situation we call for representatives of Communist and left-wing parties of Europe to express solidarity and advocate against the intention of European political institutes to impose economic sanctions against the Republic of Belarus.
The Communist Party of Belarus believes that to effectively withstand the influence of global oligarchy on hearts and minds of millions of common people Communists and all left-wing forces of Europe should join their efforts to solve tasks which determine the future and prospects of the mankind. The tasks which join efforts of all Communist and left-wing parties and movements according to Belarusian Communists are:
- fight for socially just world order where the main value is man but not money and riches, work as essence of life and the main moral dimension of
personality and not speculative and mediatory activity;
- fight for preserving favorable environment, careful attitude to the planet's resources ant their effective use in the interests of the whole mankind;
- fight for peace, against the attempts of superpowers and transnational corporations to preserve and multiply their wealth at the cost of extermination and suffering of whole peoples and nations of the planet;
- resistance to the policy of globalism which leads no only to liquidation of national borders and national sovereignty, but of national identity, traditions and cultures of whole nations under the influence of neo-liberal ideology and values that are forced by mass culture and apologists of limitless consumption.
These are only some of the whole range of tasks, means, forms and methods of activity of Communist and left-wing forces of Europe aimed at building a fair world order where ideas of equality, true humanism and good will dominate. Let me express my confidence that only the unity of our thoughts and actions will let us succeed in the fight for peace, democracy, progress and socialism, against the dictate of world imperialism.

Valentina Leonenko, Deputy of the House
of Representatives of the National Assembly
of the Republic of Belarus, Secretary Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus

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