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You are here: Home » International meetings » Meetings of communnist & workers' parties » European Communist Meeting 2012 » Resolutions » “For the strengthening of the struggle of the working class in Europe”

“For the strengthening of the struggle of the working class in Europe”


The Communist and Workers’ parties, which have signed this resolution, call on the workers to decisively resist the anti-people strategy of the European Union that as an inter-state imperialist union expresses the interests of the monopolies and the multi-nationals at the expense of the peoples.

They call on the workers to decisively fight against the capitalist path of development which has as its criteria the profits and interests of the capitalists and to strengthen the struggle against the political line that creates unemployment, poverty and is responsible for the abolition of labour and social-security rights, the abolition of collective agreements, the reduction of salaries and pensions, the commercialization of social services, and privatizations.

The workers are the producers of the wealth and they must claim it, they must fight for their rights, strengthen the ideological-political and mass struggle against their class opponents and create the preconditions for the abolition of the exploitation of man by man, for development which has as its criterion the satisfaction of the peoples’ needs, utilising the productive potential of their countries.

  • Communist Party of Workers of Belarus
  • Workers' Party of Belgium
  • New Communist Party of Britain
  • Communist Party of Bulgaria
  • AKEL-Cyprus
  • Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  • Communist Party in Denmark
  • Communist Party of Denmark
  • Finland Communist Workers Party for Peace and Socialism
  • Pole of Rebirth of Communistes in France
  • Union of Revolutionary Communistes of France URCF
  • Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  • German Communist Party (DKP)
  • Communist Party of Greece
  • Hungarian Workers' Communist Party
  • Workers' Party of Ireland
  • Communist Party of Ireland
  • Communist Peoples' Left, Italy
  • Party of the Italian Communists
  • Socialist Party of Latvia
  • Communist Party of Luxembourg
  • New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  • Communist Party of Norway
  • Communist Party of Soviet Union
  • Communist Party of Russian Federation
  • New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  • Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  • Communist Party of Sweden
  • Party of Labour, Switzerland
  • Communist Party of Turkey
  • Communist Party of Ukraine
  • Union of Communists of Ukraine

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