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Resolution on Balkan

1. Against the violent change of state borders in Europe

2. Against Kosovo's unilateral declaration of "independence", which is the result of the criminal aggression of NATO against former FR Yugoslavia. Besides the secession of Kosovo is obviously a consequence of imperialistic tendencies, but above all the economic and political interest of the USA, casting the world's policeman and the patron of international capitalist order, therefore that obtruded and vassal state cannot trusty guarantee Albanian people legitimate interests accomplishment.

3. Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia.

4. That all the occupation forces leave Kosovo. That all the persecuted peoples should be able to return to their homes.

5. That Albanians, Serbs and the rest of the population should live together in equality, in friendship and in freedom.

6. Peace, harmony and prosperity of all the Balkan peoples are possible only when imperialism vanishes from the historical-political stage.

7. Peace, harmony and prosperity of all the Balkan people will only be possible when the imperialist domination under the slogan "divide and conquer", cedes in front of the working people of the Balkan, their resistance and collapse of the invading imperialist chains.

8. True peace and cooperation are possible only if all invading foreign troops leave Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM and other part of Balkan immediately, as well as all of their other troops.

9. Balkan belongs to the peoples of Balkan!!!

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