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Resolution: Anticommunism is the Enemy of the Peoples [En., Ru.]

Resolution: Anticommunism is the Enemy of the Peoples

A tendency to criminalize an activity that refers to communism in European countries, especially in the former socialist countries is a state policy for a long time. It manifests itself in the legal interdictions which are based on attempts to equalize communism with fascism and Nazism. It is in no way related to an objective historical analysis.

The communists were among the first ones to fight actively against Nazism in all its aspects. This happened in Germany and in the Eastern European states. This caused a lot of sacrifices.

To the contrary, it is a manipulation of history to fit the needs of the ruling classes and elites who are afraid of the strengthening of political forces representing an alternative to capitalism. It is not an accident that the current drive to forbid promotion of communism is being carried out in a situation when the capitalist system is in a deep crisis and when continuous attacks on the conditions of life and work of all the workers are being pursuit.

he ban of the communist symbols in the EU countries shows that the governments and the mechanisms are afraid of a new counterattack by the workers' and people's revolutionary movement because they know how big and irreconcilable the contradictions and the impasses of capitalism are; because they know that the future belongs to a society without exploitation of man by man, namely to socialism - communism.

Anti-communism goes hand in hand with the attacks against working people who are called to "pay" the consequences of the capitalist crisis, who witness the abolition of their labor and political rights, the increase of unemployment and homeless, the privatization of state owned enterprises, education and healthcare system etc.

Imperialists seek to erase the achievements of socialism from the consciousness of the peoples of Europe in general. For that reason, they persecute the communist ideology in EU countries, especially in the former socialist countries, they ban the communist parties, they shamelessly distort history, and they slander socialism with huge lies and try to impose the equation of communism with fascism.

We express our solidarity with all communists in Europe, especially in the former socialist countries, representatives of a movement which demonstrated its merits when fighting with fascism in this county and now it is pointing towards the only way out of the crisis situation - the solution which ensures dignity and progress to all working people - towards socialism.

1-2 октября 2012 г., Брюссель.
«Усилить классовую борьбу в Европе!»


Коммунистические и Рабочие партии, подписавшие это заявление, призывают трудящихся решительно противостоять антинародной стратегии Европейского союза – империалистического союза, выражающего интересы монополий и транснациональных корпораций во вред народам.

Призывают трудящихся решительно бороться против капиталистического пути развития, ориентированного на извлечение прибыли и обслуживающего интересы капиталистов. Усилить борьбу против политики, порождающей безработицу, бедность, повинной в ликвидации трудовых, общественных и страховых прав, в ликвидации коллективных договоров, понижении зарплат и пенсий, коммерциализации социальных услуг и приватизации.

Трудящиеся производят богатство и должны за него бороться, требовать свои права, усилить классовую борьбу и создать условия для ликвидации эксплуатации человека человеком и для развития, ориентированного на удовлетворение народных потребностей, применяющего производственный потенциал своих стран.

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