ECM 2012, Contribution of the German Communist Party [En.]
Heinz Stehr
Member of the Party Board of the
DKP and
Leader of the International Commission
European Communist Meeting in Bruxelles on 1st and 2nd October 2012
Answers of the German Communist Party DKP to the crisis
Dear Comrades
The evaluation of the crisis made by the DKP involves the notion that the present crisis most probably is a transitional or great crisis. There are first signs of fundamental changes ahead – in the forms of production and of exercising power, in the relationship between capital and labour, in the international balance of powers. In the past few years, the “crisis management” of great capital and its political representatives has lead to a deepening of the financial, economic, social and ecological crises and to a continued cutback of democracy. In the main countries of capital as well, working and living conditions have changed crucially. Deeper social contradictions have emerged, these contradictions cannot be solved within the framework of the capitalist system. In cooperation with the ECB and the IMF, the European Union has clearly enforced the effects of the crisis by implementing financial umbrellas for banks, by persuing rigid austerity and oppressive debt politics, and by cutting back the rights of the workforce.
EU borders are being ‘secured’ against war, poverty and climate refugees. Increasingly aggressive war politics are put in place internally as well as externally. Europe is a whole has been subjected to the interests of profits and power of transnational capital without the contradicting interests of the transnational and national bourgeoisie being lifted. European integration also remains a field of class struggle in particular. In EU Europe, the fiscal package, however, is meant to now finally accelerate and cement reactionary neoliberal politics of deregulation, privatization, and of the cutback of basic rights. Already now, national parliaments have largely been deprived of their power and national sovereignty is being restricted.
Populist far-right parties as well as openly fascist forces can keep winning agreement in EU Europe and in Germany as well.
Dear Comrades
In this process, we, the German Communist Party DKP think, that it is mainly the trade unions and the workers movement as whole that can play a decisive role. It is necessary that it cooperates and acts together with other social movements. This is also the reason why the fights of the working class and the activities of the movements must come together on an international level and build up an international network.
From an objective point of view, time for the radical disempowerment of the profit sharks, of national and international banks and groups has come
But what are the experiences and the lessons we have learned in the past few years and months?
Nearly all over Europe, protests and resistance are growing, people are taking to the streets against class politics of the rulers. Objectively, the working class is the decisive force in these struggles. Anti-capitalist views and critical attitudes towards capitalism are growing.
This, however, is not yet enough to enforce change. Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, they all show how in such a situation left-wingers are becoming the centre of resistance and that even votes can be won over in elections.
It is all about acting together and at the same time keeping up one’s own political identity and convictions.
Dear Comrades
The task of the German Communist Party DKP in today’s struggles is, above all, to actively help strengthening resistance, to contribute to the counterforces in the country getting together and to the aim of establishing broad alliances so that their activities eventually lead to a change towards social and democratic progress.
As a revolutionary workers party founding its activities on the theories of Marx ,Engels and Lenin, Communists bear a special responsibility. They must bring the expertise of scientific Socialism into the class struggles and democratic movements. Our task is to work out political strategies fort he development of resistance, for the enforcement of progressive reforms, for the support of the necessary fights as well as the way to fundamental social change towards Socialism and to put our results forward in the ongoing dabate. The German Communist Party DKP points to the fact that there is no solution to today’s economic, social and political contradictions in the framework of the present system.
Looking at the ongoing internationalization of the economy and the integration processes within the framework of the EU, building up another, a socialist order of society can, however, only be carried out within the framework of a process of changes in the same direction involving the main countries of the European Union and the resulting changes of the international balance of powers.
Communists must strengthen their cooperation on an international level - especially in the face of the capitalist crisis, the cooperation of Communist workers and left parties has become an even more urgent task in order to credibly challenge capitalism by offering a Socialist alternative.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, events supporting solidarity with the ones fighting in Spain, Portugal and Greece are being organised. The German Communist Party DKP, as well, is planning a solidarity event mainly involving workers from Greek companies. At the moment, we are also discussing the question if it makes sense and how it is possible to organize an international discussion meeting on a European level. We will send you information on the progress of this project as soon as possible.