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3. Contradictions between the EU and third countries

The inter-imperialist contradictions are also evident within the framework of the EU’s cooperation with other countries. Stable or occasional alliances are being created, axes and counter-axes or by EU as such or by just a part of the member-states in relation with the two other imperialist centres, the USA and Japan, as well as with rising powers (e.g. Russia, India).

Some basic fields, where contradictions become evident, can be pointed out:
  •  In the textile agreement of the EU with China different approaches are evident between countries with relatively strong industrial production (France, Italy) and other countries with still a strong export trade (e.g. Greece).
  •  The control on energy resources and roads (e.g. the stance of the French-German axis as regards the USA in Iraq, the pipe-line Russia-Germany bypassing Poland, more generally the EU-Russia relationship for the EU’s energy sufficiency).
  •  The fight for international agreements within the WTO and other international monopoly unions. The competition with the USA on the control of strategic economy sectors after the “liberation” of international markets (e.g. air transport through the “open skies” agreements). Alliances and contradictions between member-states of the EU and the USA (e.g. in the war industry) intermingle with the contradiction EU-USA (e.g. Airbus-Boeing, respectively). The EU-USA competition is being manifested in other zones as well, in custom unions or in other types of unions (e.g. in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the trade “wars” of bananas, cattle etc.).
  •  The EU tries to take advantage of the conflicts between other powers outside the EU (USA-Russia, India-Russia, but USA-China and Japan-China as well). Its approach to China as regards the lifting of the arms sales embargo on the second is a typical example.
It is a complicated process. Inter-imperialist contradictions of the EU intermingle with its external contradictions. Therefore we notice that some member-states of the EU differentiate their attitude towards the other imperialist centres (e.g. the strategic cooperation Britain-USA).

However, the process of sharpening contradictions creates and strengthens counter-tendencies as regards the unification effort.

The cohesive element though, remains the strategy of increasing the degree of exploitation of the working class and the enlargement of capital of the European enterprises.
About European capitalist unification


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