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[09.05.2005] The distortion of the history will not pass

by Press Bureau of KKE
It is the duty of the communists, of all progressive people that respect truth, to refute resolutely: the falsification of history; the attempt to corrupt ideologically the historiography of this period led by the major centers of imperialism; the slanderous attempt to equate communism with fascism, Stalin with Hitler, although they know the truth.

The KKE presented an analytical position in the Theses of the CC for the 60 years of the great anti-fascist victory of the people, published on April 19, 2005

World War II, one of the most important historical incidents of the 20th century, was sealed by the victory of the people over the fascist imperialist bloc of Germany-Japan-Italy and their allies.

In this great victory the contribution of Soviet Union had been decisive. The contribution of its people, of the soviet state and the red army has been recorded as an epic achievement.

The KKE honors the contribution of the movements for national liberation in the occupied capitalist countries, pays tribute to the heroic partisans, the fighters of the "International Brigades", the resistance fighters in the occupation countries, the movements of Latin-American countries that were gathering aid for the Soviet Union.

The basic driving force of this titanic struggle, its soul and leading force were the Communist Parties. Millions of communists sacrificed their lives for a better world.

Following the victory of the counter-revolution in the former socialist countries, a more systematic effort began in order to revise the history of the WWII, in the context of a more general and long-term ideological offensive.

It aims to denigrate or completely extinguish the role and contribution of the Communist Movement. It endeavours to poison the consciousness of the youth, to make it vulnerable to black propaganda; to manipulate the younger generations and justify the today's crimes of the imperialist order. And above all, it constitutes a global ideological and political intervention of the forces of Capital so that the world will not overcome the setback it suffered from the counter-revolution of 1989-1991.

The "centers" that drive this "historical revisionism" are consciously cloaking the fact that the unjust wars are born out of the capitalist system itself. That they do not erupt because of "some maniacs", as some present Mussolini and Hitler. Wars take place because the exploitation of man by man exists.

Today in the countries of central and eastern Europe where capitalism has been restored, we witness an ideological and political terrorism expressed by the restoration of the symbols of Hitlerism, by prosecutions, hunting and persecutions against the communists.

EU plays a major, prominent role in this campaign to extinguish the historical memory of the people. Leading the anti-communist hysteria it wiped out the 9th of May as "The Day of the Victory of the People", and established it as "The Day of Europe".

The Red Banner hanging at the Reichstag and the role of the Soviet Union, continue to embarrass imperialism. It is not by chance that the liberation from the Red Army of the countries of the eastern Europe and the chasing of the German troops is called "occupation" by the "revisionists". In Germany and in Austria the deserters to the Allied troops and especially to the Soviet Army essentially are considered "a national shame"! Fascists are being reinstated and receive moral and material rewards as "National Heroes"!.

No forgery, no distortion can delete the epic encounters at Stalingrad, at Leningrad, Moscow, Kursk, Sevastopol, all heroic cities and towns, all major and minor battles given by the Red Army, the Red Navy, the Red Air Force, by the partisans behind the enemy lines, the incredible heroism demonstrated by millions; the builders of socialism who transferred to the interior of the USSR thousands of factories and enterprises from the west of the country so that production could continue; the feats of the builders of socialism that while the war was raging they were rebuilding from scratch the ruined cities after the withdrawal of the defeated the German troops. The centers that drive this campaign have even criticized Churchill because he allied with Stalin!

The Distortion of the History Will Not Pass!

Press Bureau of KKE


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