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Message of greetings to the CC of Communist Party of Vietnam

To: Communist Party of Vietnam
Central Committee

Dear Comrades

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the triumph of the people of Vietnam over the US imperialism, the Central Committee of KKE conveys its heartfelt comradely greetings and congratulations to the CP of Vietnam, also on the occasion of its 75th anniversary, and all the Vietnamese people. We recall with veneration the 3 million victims that the Vietnamese people had to suffer before achieving full national liberation and reunification, we pay tribute to the freedom fighters, to the veterans, to all men and women that participated in the anti-imperialist resistance and struggle.

We would like especially to extend our strong solidarity and support to the victims of the Agent Orange that still suffer the consequences of the imperialist barbarity; we join our voices with the international solidarity movement that demands that the US government and the responsible chemical companies assume their responsibilities and pay full compensation to the victims.

Dear Comrades

The proud victory achieved in Spring of 1975 by the Vietnamese people under the leadership of CP of Vietnam headed by comrade Ho Chi Minh put an end to117 years of colonial and imperialist rule and paved the way of independence, progress and socialism in Vietnam; it delivered a strong blow to the last remnants of colonialism, counting with the important contribution and support of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries, the anti-imperialist solidarity and support by the anti-war and popular movements all around the world in which our movement had also a modest contribution.

The victory of your people proved once more, that no imperialist force, whatsoever may be its strength can bring down the force of the people - a valuable lesson especially timely today in the conditions of increasing imperialist aggressiveness and competitions.

The emergence and development of popular movements and struggles that tend to touch on the full spectrum of imperialist policies poses new opportunities and challenges to international communist movement. The close cooperation, solidarity and coordination of the revolutionary and communist forces not only will revitalize the socialist vision and perspective but also will benefit the development of broader anti-imperialist movement of the peoples.

We would like to reiterate once more our firm solidarity with your efforts to boost the economic and social development of your country advancing towards socialism, and defend your peoples' achievements in today's unfavorable conditions against the undermining activity of imperialism and the unjust world economic order.

With fraternal greetings
The Central Committee of KKE


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