1. The Need For A Distinct Presence of The Communist Movement And The Common Action of The Communist And Worker’s Parties
Our Party considers that in the last period there have been certain steps of recovery in the International Communist Movement. Several Communist and Workers’ Parties were better equipped to confront imperialist aggressiveness and to take action against the imperialist wars in Afghanistan and especially against the people of Iraq. Some of them played a leading role in the struggles of the working class and the mobilizations of the working people for their rights. In this period, more initiatives were taken for the coordination of actions among the CPs compared to the recent past. International and regional meetings have multiplied.
Despite these steps forward, the International Communist Movement remains organizationally and ideologically fragmented; it is still experiencing a crisis. The struggle between revolutionary communist viewpoints and reformist, opportunist ones continues within its ranks. The conflict between the line of “resistance-rupture” and the line of “adaptation – assimilation” into the imperialist system continues.
At the center of the struggle are: the attitude towards the socialism that we have known and the causes for the overthrows; the contemporary relevance of Marxism – Leninism; the development of our theory in the period of transition to socialism under conditions of the temporary victory of counter-revolution; the character of the Communist Party; the character of imperialism; the relation of the struggle on a national and international level; the policy of alliances; the attitude towards social democracy; the stance of communists in the mass movements; their stance in relation to the capitalist crisis, the inter-imperialist contradictions and the imperialist wars; the policy towards intra-state imperialist regional and international unions; the historic role of the working class; the laws of socialist revolution and the building of socialism; the proletarian internationalism.
Facing this situation, KKE considers that the efforts amongst the Communist Parties must be intensified so that, in a collective manner and also with respect for the sovereignty of each Party, the best methods to deal with the crisis may be found.
Our Party will intensify its international activities so that a more distinct form of cooperation with communist and workers’ parties will be shaped, the communist pole.
This distinct presence of the parties will create better conditions in order to confront the difficulties which exist. This will also facilitate the broader anti-imperialist rallying of forces.
The initiative for the creation of this pole can be triggered by communist parties which are close in their political and ideological viewpoints, which defend Marxism - Leninism, the contribution of socialism we knew, as well as the necessity of the struggle for socialism.
Cooperation at a higher level in matters of theory development is necessary regarding the questions that are at the centre of today’s conflict. International research must be encouraged on the causes that brought victory for counterrevolution; common strategies against imperialism to be developed. Our aim is for these forms of cooperation to assume a practical character, to give concrete results.
The distinct communist pole in no case nullifies each party’s sovereignty and its responsibility in relation to the working class and the movement in their respective countries. It will assume the form of coordination of joint action, based on parity.
Regarding communist and worker’s parties with which we have ideological differences, we can and must continue the efforts for common action around anti-imperialist and anti-monopoly goals while refuting mistaken ideological and political viewpoints.
KKE seeks cooperation and relations with all parties without exclusions.