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Intervention of G. Toussas, MEP of the KKE, in the Plenary Session of the European Parliament on the developments in Turkey

Strasburg, 12th of June 2013

Georgios Toussas in his intervention, in the Plenary of the European parliament in Strasburg during a debate on the developments in Turkey, expressed the condemnation of the Communist Party of Greece regarding the brutal violence and repression of the Turkish Government by stating the following:

"The Communist Party of Greece condemns the brutal violence and repression by the Turkish government against the demonstrators.

The record of the state violence is tragic.

The Turkish government has targeted protesters, political parties, worker’s and people’s organizations which are struggling against its anti-people political line.

The forces of repression attacked the offices of the Communist Party of Turkey and the Cultural Center "Nâzim Hikmet," while there are ongoing law enforcement operations against members of the Party.

The protests reflect the accumulated popular anger against the anti-people political line, the authoritarianism, the violence and repression of the Turkish government.

The interventionist policy of the Turkish government against the people of Syria and the imperialist intervention of the EU, the U.S. and NATO, especially with the recent EU decision of the 27th of May 2013, to lift the arms embargo on Syrian anti-regime forces, are increasing the concerns of the people regarding the risk of a generalized imperialist war in the wider region.

The popular liberties, the workers' right to protest and struggle for the overthrow of the anti-people political line and its representatives, are non-negotiable.

We demand:

The cessation of police violence and repression against the demonstrators

The immediate release of all those arrested

The punishment of those responsible and of the moral instigators of the attacks against the demonstrators"

It should be noted that the brutal violence and repression of the Turkish Government occurred "before the ink had dried" on the Resolution of the European Parliament adopted on the 18th of April 2013, regarding the progress report of Turkey (2012/2870 RSP), praising the capitalist development in Turkey and the profitability of the monopolies.

The political representatives of the monopolies celebrated the Resolution for "the strategic significance relations between EU and Turkey for the stability of democracy and security in the Middle East, with direct foreign investments from the EU´s member states to Turkey that constitute the 75% of the total of the direct foreign investments and trade counting in 120 billion Euros in total".

The hypocritical statements of the political representatives of the monopolies in the European Parliament about "disproportionate and excessive use of violence form the Turkish police" cannot hide the open support of the EU to the anti-people political line of Turkey. Since in the Progress Report for Turkey the European Commission admits that through the Pre-Accession Instrument, 810 millions Euros for the "judicial and police collaboration", thus the reinforcement of the repressive apparatus of the Turkish Government that today attacks the protestors, the labour and people’s movement.

The strengthening of the KKE and of the class orientated movement and the escalation of the anti-monopoly and anti-capitalist struggle of the People’s Alliance, in the places of work and in the popular neighbourhoods are prerequisites to pave the way for the overthrow of the anti-people political line and the power of the monopolies, for the disengagement from the EU, the unilateral cancelation of the debt with the Workers’-People’s Power and Economy.


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