Introduction to the video: “regarding a lack of national sovereignty and inequality”
or people’s sovereignty?
One of the arguments
used by the bourgeois and opportunist forces in Greece, in order to
blur the causes of the capitalist crisis rooted in the basic contradiction
which characterizes capitalist society, the contradiction between capital
and labour, is the argument concerning the
“loss of national sovereignty”.
So, depending
on who is invoking this argument, variations of this line are presented
of the type “the government is not negotiating!” or “the government
implements the orders of the foreigners” or “they serve the Germans”,
“the foreigners govern us”, “we are under occupation”, “Greece
has become a protectorate”, “ we have lost national sovereignty”,
etc. Indeed, at some point the last argument was used by the leader
of the social-democratic party and the Socialist International and former
Prime Minister, G. Papandreou, who claimed that due to the crisis we
lost national sovereignty and that the workers must endure harsh measures,
so that the economy can recover and we can find our “national sovereignty”
The KKE comes
into conflict with the abovementioned points of view, which deceive
the people, as they conceal the reality and propose out-dated solutions
within the framework of capitalism. In addition, they unscientifically
present the relations of dependence and interdependence, which emerge
in the framework of imperialism and within the imperialist unions (such
as the EU) as a consequence of the loss of “national sovereignty”,
while they constitute a result of the uneven development of the capitalist
countries. The bourgeois class of every country participates in these
unions, not because it operates allegedly “treacherously” or “anti-patriotically”,
but to serve its class interests! In order to strengthen its position
inside every country against the working class, using both repressive
and other mechanisms and tools which these unions possess. It is incorporated
in these in order to better participate in the global competition with
the American, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and other monopolies and to
increase its profits. In the framework of this ambition it cedes
sovereign rights to inter-state bodies. These relations of dependence
and interdependence are not abolished through the humanization of “imperialist
unions”, e.g. with more “democracy” in the institutions of the
EU, as the opportunists demand, but through the disengagement of the
countries from these unions, their dissolution, the establishment of
working class-people’s power, the socialization of the basic means
of production, central planning and workers control of the economy,
through socialism!
The short video
of the Propaganda Section of the CC of the KKE is in this direction
and is addressed to the Greek people. We considered it worth subtitling
(English, Arabic, Spanish, Russian) and we present it to you today.
[Οn the lower right hand side of the image there is the button CC. Click on it to choose the subtitles in your language.]
International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE