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Condolences of the KKE regarding the tragic death of cde Y. Mishin

To the CC of the CPSU
To the CP of Estonia

Dear comrades,

It was to our great sadness that we were informed of the tragic death in a road accident of Yuri Mishin, first secretary of the CC of the CP of Estonia, member of the CC of the CPSU, and local councillor in the city of Narva.

Cde Yuri Mishin did not bow his head to the negative correlation of forces which the counterrevolution in the USSR caused. He fought, in the difficult conditions of ant-communism and anti-sovietism, with all his strength for the regroupment of the communist movement in the territory of the former USSR and for the interests of the Estonian workers.

Due to this activity, the anti-communist and anti-people authorities of Estonia have initiated repeated criminal prosecutions against him (1993, 1995, 1997). It was due to this activity that the people of Narva, the third largest city in Estonia, in 2009 elected him as a local councillor with an unprecedented-for local elections- number of votes.

Cde Mishin participated in many international and European meetings of communist and workers parties, conveying the experience of the activity of the communists of Estonia.

We ask you to convey our sincere condolences to his comrades and loved ones.

The CC of the KKE


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