Speech of the Secretary of the Central Council of KNE, Thodoris Chionis, at the event of internationalist solidarity in honour of the fraternal delegations

On behalf of the
Central Council of the Communist Youth of Greece we warmly welcome the
representatives of 77 communist and workers parties from 58 countries.
Our meeting today is dedicated to all you who have travelled from all
the regions of the world.
The 13th
International Meeting of the communist and workers parties is an important
political event and acquires particular importance in the conditions
which it is being held.
The inter-imperialist
contradictions are sharpening over the distribution of the markets and
the spheres of influence. The dominance of the monopoly groups is being
reinforced as well as the competition between them. The imperialist
war flash-points are strengthening, new ones are being created, and
the possibility of more generalised wars is more than likely. We feel
that the responsibilities of the communists are growing, so that the
peoples do not shed their blood, especially the young people, at the
side of the one or the other imperialist. But to struggle to overthrow
the bourgeois class of their country, the capitalist system which gives
birth to wars. The global capitalist crisis which has manifested itself
very sharply in the strongest centres of imperialism, the EU and the
USA, generalizes to a great extent and as now permanent phenomena: poverty,
unemployment and destitution. The enormous dead-ends of the capitalist
system, which is in its final stage, brings all its aggressive nature
to the surface. They make its revolutionary overthrow, working class
power and socialism more timely and necessary than ever.
In recent years
we have accumulated rich experience from the development of the working
class and popular struggles, from the participation and contribution
of the youth, in Greece and in other countries. Of course we do not
underestimate that in conditions of crisis there coexist together pre-conditions
for the development of the class struggle and pre-conditions of the
temporary stagnation of the working class and popular movement.
The International
Meeting itself is in our opinion an important element in these developments.
Because the course of the class struggle will be determined to a great
extent by the regroupment of the labour-popular movement, by the strengthening
of the socialist perspective in the daily struggle of the working class
and especially by the new generations, its new shift. This is also concerns
the communist youth organizations which take on a serious share of the
We are for this
reason particularly pleased that you are here, that we are with you.
KNE was created
in 1968 by the decision of the PB of the Communist Party of Greece.
In conditions of the dictatorship, deep illegality and major difficulties.
Despite all this it filled very quickly a large void that had existed
since 1943. This was the existence of the political organization of
the youth of the KKE. This decision has been confirmed over time. The
organizations of KNE in the workplaces, popular neighbourhoods, schools,
technical schools, university faculties, have all these years played
a leading role in the development of the struggles of the youth, in
its participation in the organization of the waging of the class struggle.
Its rallying in an antimonopoly-anti-capitalist line of struggle, in
the struggle for socialism.
The character
of the revolutionary aims of KNE, as the youth of the KKE, the orientation
and strength of KNE in the working class youth is one of the factors
which strengthens its ability to contribute to the working class and
popular struggles, to the militant and revolutionary education of the
rest of the youth from the popular strata who have not yet entered production.
The most important thing is to respond to its basic mission. To educate
young militants in a communist way, to renew the ranks of the KKE with
new working men and women, of a young age. In recent years thousands
have acquired the honoured title of member of the KKE.
Our organization
has rich internationalist activity, close relations and joint activity
with dozens of communist youth organizations all over the world; it
struggles within the ranks of WFDY and contributes to its development.
A source of strength
for KNE is the ideological, political and organizational relationship
with its party. The revolutionary strategy and tactics, the programme,
the theoretical and political elaborations of the KKE. Particularly
the decision of the 18th Congress concerning socialism, which
gives the possibility to young communists who grew up-many were born-
after the overthrows to struggle every day for socialism without embarrassment
concerning the reasonable questions “what happened, why was socialism
overthrown?” To fight decisively and from a position of supremacy
against anti-communism, opportunism and the rewriting of history, 20
years after the counterrevolution. Similarly important is the ability
of the KKE to study its history, the history of the class struggle in
Greece and internationally, as occurred with the publication of the
2nd volume of the history of the party. At the same time
the KKE provides a large section of its members and cadre to work amongst
the youth. Either for the formation of the leading bodies of KNE, or
for their guidance by the corresponding organs of the party. The stable
orientation of the KKE in the labour movement and in the activity of
the youth of the popular strata, the assistance to KNE, is carried out
by national bodies organized by the CC of the KKE for the strengthening
and elaboration of the intervention in the youth.
These are the
main reasons for the fact that KNE is being strengthened, that it can
educate its members with the revolutionary virtues of our party. We
can better recognize and fight against our weaknesses, and the difficulties
we face. In any case we are being judged and KNE is able to wage tough
and decisive battles in all the places where the young people from the
popular strata work, are educated and live. In all the fronts of struggle
for the contemporary needs of the people, which only with the overthrow
of the outdated capitalists system can be satisfied. A new generation
of working men and women is being educated which have as their second
nature the battle against the capitalists, the effort to organize their
colleagues in the line of the struggle of the classes, the participation
in the strikes, the dismissal.
Capital’s offensive
on the needs and the rights of the young people is accompanied by the
operation of a multi-tentacled ideological apparatus to manipulate and
trap them. The goal of which is the exploitative system, the compromise
of the youth with the regime of waged slavery, unemployment, illiteracy.
Fatalism is being fostered, defeatism, illusions and fake dilemmas.
Anti-communism, the attempt to slander socialism its contribution in
the 20th century runs through all the bourgeois educational
system and not only. The independent ideological-political activity
and intensity of the struggle against the bourgeois ideology and political
line is the counterweight, in order to foster the faith in the working
class of its historic mission. About the truth concerning social progress
which only the socialist-communist perspective can bring.
Over recent years
in Greece we have organized over 22 strikes, dozens of demonstrations
and other forms of struggle. KNE contributes next to the KKE so that
the content of these struggles has nothing to do with bargaining with
the system of exploitation, another form of its management, its reform.
So that the struggles do not become tools for the rebaptization of social-democracy,
for the rotation of the bourgeois forms of governance. KNE contributes
so that they are oriented and to foster the rupture and the overthrow
of the bourgeois power and its system. Capitalism, particularly in conditions
of crisis, does not have the ability or the will to make concessions,
becomes continuously more hostile. The struggles, the fronts of struggle,
the slogans either will concentrate forces in the struggle for the working
class-people’s power or they will be assimilated into the system.
The confrontation
for the orientation of the struggle in the movement and its organizations
are a serious matter and we believe that much will be determined by
this. Particularly against the forces of social-democracy which today
have no differences either with the liberal ND and opportunism which
prettifies the system, blunts the class criteria, fosters parliamentary
illusions. That with another governmental management, without the overthrow
of the power of the monopolies, without the abolition of class exploitation
and oppression there can be pro-people solutions. That the EU, this
predatory alliance of capital against the peoples can change. That it
can be refounded, i.e. the wolf will become a lamb. They talk about
the youth with flattering phrases, they fawn on sections of it, presenting
them “as the new revolutionary subjects”, they present as new movements
and “new forms of struggle” all the bourgeois plans and objectives
for assimilation, control and provocation.
The revolutionary
youth has no need to flatter itself, the youth of the working class
and the popular strata. You have certainly been informed about the heroic
struggle of the steel workers who are on strike for one and a half months.
Their children, the young workers have nothing in common with the industrialist,
his class and their parties, but also nothing in common with their children
who are educated to become the new bosses, to renew the ranks of the
bourgeois parties. For the class opponent, even when they are at a young
age, we nurse only class hatred and anger.
The future belongs
to the youth, this is obvious and we do not need to prove it. The question
is which youth will take the future in its hands, the youth of the exploited
class or the exploiting class. The young working men and women, the
youth of the popular strata cannot expect anything from the old historically
obsolete capitalist system, which is in its final imperialist stage.
Their future for a better life, for the satisfaction of their needs
is directly connected to their participation and contribution to the
development of the class struggle, the overthrow of capitalist barbarity,
the construction of the new, of the socialist system.
We wish you every
success in your proceedings.