Internationalist Meeting of CPs from Greece, Albania, FYROM

On 29th of MAY the
Regional Committee of Western Macedonia of the KKE organised an internationalist
anti-imperialist event in the remote town of Kastoria, located near
the borders of Greece to FYROM and Albania with the participation of
delegations of the Communist Parties of the respective countries. The
event expressed the common will of the communists in Greece, FYROM and
Albania to contribute to the strengthening of the anti-imperialist struggle
under the particularly complicated conditions created by the synchronised
capitalist crisis and the intensification of the inter-imperialist contradictions.
Theodosis Konstantinidis, member
of the PB of the CC of KKE delivered the main speech, while Muharrem
Jafa GS of the Communist Party of Albania and Goran Nikle responsible
for the Press Department of the CP of Macedonia (FYROM) delivered greeting
messages. The delegation of the CP of Macedonia was headed by Tasefska
Ntragitsa member of the CC.
Theodossis Konstadinidis in his talk underscored:
“We are following with great
attention and concern the developments in the Balkans where the competition
of the bourgeois classes strengthens while at the same time the Balkans
are increasingly involved in the imperialist plans with the accession
of the Western Balkans into the EU and the expansion of NATO in the
region. The historical experience teaches us that the bourgeois class
and the imperialist unions utilise existing minority issues or create
others that do not exist in order to divide the peoples, to promote
the policy of “divide and rule”.
As is well-known, in Greece
there is a Muslim minority as well as the Slavophones. In the past our
party struggled against the discriminations and continues to do so insofar
as they appear. Nevertheless we would like to stress that the recognition
of a “Macedonian, national minority” as well as of a
“Turkish minority”, as the bourgeois classes and the nationalist
circles of the neighbouring countries seek with the support of the imperialist
mechanisms, will be one more step for the questioning of international
treaties e.g. Treaty of Lausanne, and consequently something that will
spark new tensions and possible wars.
The KKE addresses the working
class and the peoples in the region and stresses that their interests
are identified with the joint anti-imperialist- antimonopoly struggle,
for the disengagement from the imperialist organisations, for the removal
of foreign military bases and nuclear weapons,
for the return of military forces from the imperialist missions and
the integration of this struggle to the struggle for power. On this
basis the peoples can live peacefully, creatively and utilise the natural
resources which will be the property of the people for their own benefit,
to satisfy their own needs.”
In his greeting
Muharrem Jafa General Secretary of the Communist Party of Albania
referred among others:
“The struggle and the efforts
of the communists and the peoples in our country against imperialism,
irredentism and nationalist propaganda, against expansionism and revisionism
and in general against the enemies of socialism communism must be more
effective and better coordinated”.
Goran Nikle responsible
for the Press Office of the Communist Party of Macedonia stressed that
the “discovery of new energy resources in Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean
and the intensification of the exploitation by capital not only will
not bring peace and stability in our region as the imperialists and
their governments argue but on the contrary they will create new fiercer
competition while at the same time the peoples will pay more for electric
power, oil, natural gas since the significant energy resources in the
region will be plundered by the domestic and
foreign monopolies and business groups instead of being the people’s
Nodas Stoltidis by PAME, Avraam
Egres by PASY, Vasilis Karatzidis from the Peace Committee, Selimai
Letim, an Albanian immigrant and the slavophones Greek communists Giorgos
Nikolopoulos and Alekos Ouggrinos also intervened during the event.
The slavophone communists in particular
referred to the persecutions and the repression that this section of
the population had experienced for many decades noting that this repression
had a class character and was intertwined with nationalist tensions
and demands of the bourgeois classes in the various neighbouring Balkan
In addition, it was highlighted that the end of the persecutions, discriminations, etc is related to the presence and activity of KKE, with its contribution to the struggles of the workers, for the winning of the democratic rights of the people. The event ended with a militant anti-imperialist demonstration in the central streets of Kastoria.