Two-day action for public transport

The class oriented forces step up the preparation of the new general strike declared by PAME on 23rd February with a series of multifaceted activities. The militant and class oriented forces namely the All Workers’ Militant Front (PAME), the Farmers’ Militant Rally (PASY), the Antimonopoly Rally of the Self-employed (PASEVE), the Students’ Militant Front (MAS) and the Greek Women’s Federation (OGE) called the popular strata and the youth to politicise their struggle and on the occasion of the extortionate increases in ticket prices and tolls to condemn the social democrat government of PASOK, the EU, the IMF, that have declared war against the people with the support of ND and LAOS. The class oriented forces blocked metro, bus and train stations as well as many toll posts across the country; they unrolled banners, blocked ticket machines and called through megaphones the people who were on their way to work to “organised disobedience”. The demonstrators called also the people to participate in the strike on 23rd February, to disobey and include in their struggle the right to safe, low-priced, public and reliable transport system.
The demonstrators blocked the ticket machines in the Metro and Train stations from 6.00 until 8.00 in the morning, so that the passengers did not have to buy tickets. The demonstrators spoke to passers-by and called on them to take the matter into their own hands and to stand up for their rights. At the same time, the class-oriented forces blocked the toll-booths and for several hours drivers passed through without paying. The demonstrators handed out the joint leaflet of the organizations and discussed with the people the need for ticket prices to be reduced, that tickets in the morning should be free and that unemployed people, students, school students should travel for free and that the tolls must be abolished.
This initiative was warmly received by the people and the demonstrators called on the passers-by to take part, to take matters into their own hands and respond through the organized defiance and counterattack of the people in the various activities and demonstrations which will be organized against the anti-worker measures on the 10th of February and of course to participate in PAME’s general strike on the 23/2.