Press Release of the Working Group of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties

As it is well established, the meetings of the Working Group are open to all parties that take part in the International Meetings of Communist and Workers’ Parties. The meeting was attended by the CP of Argentina, WP of Belgium, CP of Bolivia, CP of Brazil, Party of the Bulgarian Communists, CP of Cuba, AKEL-Cyprus, CP of Bohemia-Moravia, Unified CP of Georgia, CP of Greece, Party of the Italian Communists, Lebanese CP, Party of the Communists, Mexico, Portuguese CP, New CP of Yugoslavia, South African CP, CP of Sri Lanka and the Sudanese CP.
The meeting expresses its appreciation and thanks to all parties that have sent proposals, ideas and suggestions contributing to the successful preparation of the International Meeting of 2007.
The Working Group meeting, positively evaluating the various previously established aspects of the process, analyzed several issues relating to the preparation of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties of 2007, the list of invited parties of which had been concluded at the Lisbon meeting.
In the preparatory meeting it was decided that the International Meeting of 2007 will be jointly hosted by the Communist Party of Russian Federation and the Communist Party of Belarus and held in Minsk, Belarus on 4-5 of November 2007.
The meeting noted the importance of the 90th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution of 1917 and called for the broadest possible participation in the International Meeting as well as in the commemoration events to follow in Moscow on 6-7 of November 2007.
The Working Group, taking into consideration a broad set of proposals made by both the participating Parties as well as by others who were unable to attend, but who had sent their opinions to the Working Group, agreed that the theme of the International Meeting of 2007 will be: “90th anniversary of the October Revolution: The relevance and validity of its ideals. The communists in the struggle against imperialism, for socialism”.
Athens, 24 of February 2007