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Thousands participate in the commemorations of the polytechnic Uprising

The 3-days annual commemorations of the Polytechnic Uprising (15-17 November 1973) against the US & NATO backed military junta culminated on 17th of November with big anti-imperialist manifestations and demonstrations in all major cities of Greece, counting with the mass participation of thousands of working people, youth and students.

In Athens lots of people, mostly young people and students, were gathering from early in the morning at the Polytechnic (the Technical University of Athens), visiting the exhibitions and laying red carnations at the monument of the uprising, which had been a peak moment in the struggle of the Greek people against the military dictatorship of the time (1967-1974).

As every year, the commemorations of the Polytechnic Uprising culminated in a big anti-imperialist demonstration to the US embassy in Athens, dominated by slogans against imperialism, against NATO, US & EU, for the removal of all foreign bases from Greece, for public free-of-charge education for all, for decent jobs with rights and in solidarity with the peoples that resist and fight back imperialist aggression.

This year the anniversary followed a period of intense, big and militant struggles of students and teachers, linking up the anniversary with the contemporary demands of the working people and youth.


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