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KKE and KNE Honour the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE)

Thousands of KKE and KNE members, mostly youngsters, coming all around Greece gathered on Sunday 2nd of July at the mountainous sites of Grammos, a stronghold of the Democratic Army (DSE) and theater of the last act of the Greek civil war (1946-49) that ended with the defeat of DSE, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the civil war and the Democratic Army and pay tribute to the thousands that sacrificed their lives in this titanic struggle against the internal reaction and the imperialist intervention.

In the frame of the events KNE held a 2-days camping at Nestorio, with exhibitions, cultural events and discussions.

The commemorations culminated with a big rally at the village of Likorachi where Aleka Papariga stressed that the struggle of DSE, that lasted 3 years and 5 months, had been “anti-imperialist, internationalist, just and noble. On one side there were the popular forces, which were politically expressed by the KKE and its allies and on the other side the coalition of domestic bourgeois forces and their foreign allies, first the British and then, more directly and drastically involved, the US imperialism”.

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