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General strike & anti-war mobilization in Greece

A general 24-hours strike both in the public and private sector will take place in Greece tomorrow, 15 of March.

The strike is a follow-up of important struggles that took place lately in Greece against the anti-popular policies of the government and the EU, against the “Bolkenstein” directive and manoeuvres of the government that pursues to re-open the “social dialogue” on the social insurance system and welfare, and in defense of the Collective Contracts.

The strike and the demonstrations will also acquire an anti-imperialist, anti-war character, given the coincidence of the strike with the 3 years since the start of the war on Iraq and the 7 years from the NATO raid on Yugoslavia.

The Greek Committee for International Peace and Détente (EEDYE) has already announced its participation in the main manifestation organized by PAME in Athens at Syntagma Square, from which the strikers and peace fighters will jointly march to the US embassy in Athens. The anti-war activities of EEDYE will continue all around Greece, and will culminate in the big Marathon March that will take place in Athens on May 14.

The main demands that PAME and the class-oriented trade union movement put forward with tomorrow’s strike and the demonstrations in 58 cities all around Greece are:
  • Signing of new collective contracts that will meet the needs of the working people. Basic salary of 1.300 euro and stable, full-time employment for all workers with 7hours working day, 5 days working week.
  • Exclusively public social insurance, welfare and healthcare systems
  • Guarantees for free political and trade-union activity in the workplaces. Abolishment of the anti-terrorist laws and measures that restrict democratic rights. Legalization and equal rights for the migrant workers
  • Against lay-offs, against “flexible” industrial relations, against “local contracts”, against privatizations and “partnerships of public and private sector”
  • For the end of occupation of Iraq and the immediate withdrawal of all foreign occupation troops and in solidarity with the peoples that fight for their liberation
  • Against the participation of Greece in the adventurisms of NATO, US and EU. For the removal of all foreign bases from our country.
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